Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Politics and Policies of Three U.S President from the Post World Essay

The Politics and Policies of Three U.S President from the Post World War II - Essay Example Through peaceful cooperation as a result of a countries foreign policies, a country is able to protect its national interest, economic prosperity and more importantly national security. The United States has for long experienced a split personality when it comes to matters regarding foreign policy. Other policies exemplify a pragmatic nation which requires that the nation respond to facts as they relate to the situation at hand and hence application of a rational decision making process to the problem (Brinkley 2011). On the other hand, we have an idealistic side which has for long gotten the United States into trouble. This is attributed to the loss of sight on the fact that the resources at our disposal are limited. Additionally, the resources which are in most cases are measured both in terms of financial, economic and military in addition to political will which must at all times match the objectives of the country so as to ensure success. Since the end of the Second World War, t he country had been demobilizing and was also characterized with the public reverting to its traditional isolationist character (Brinkley 2011). This made containment only limited to where the military strength was greatest which was in Western Europe. The entrance of China into the Korean War on the 26th day of November 1950 resulted into a retreat by U.S. troops being below the thirty eighth parallel and consequently resulting into a stalemated war. It is in line with this that Eisenhower with a promise of ensuring the war in Korea is rapidly and successful conclusion was elected into office as president. Come the end of 1952, Eisenhower had already concluded that it was not prudent for the united states to needed to engage in a conventional war on the Asian mainland, a decision which we can trace to the fact that the cabinet was made up of businessmen who as a matter of fact were extreme fiscal conservatives who placed more emphasis on having a balanced budget (Brinkley 2011). Ad ditionally, the present who had been a general understood the need to the resources of America and their foreign policy commitments. Amongst remarkable attributes that can be associated with him include the realistic approach to foreign issues and the ability to recognize the limits of the capabilities of the resources. Additionally, he ushered in a pragmatic foreign policy through redefinition and limitation of the goals of containment. He is best remembered for negotiating for a ceasefire agreement between the North and the south at thirty-eighth parallel on July 1953. He additionally redirected support for French efforts in Indochina and subsequently promising economic aid to the Diem government. We can also note that he relied more on other countries resources mainly acquired through alliances like the Baghdad Pact and the Southeast Asian Treaty Organization as tools for countering threats posed by communists (Brinkley 2011). It can however be noted that Eisenhower failed to off er the needed support to Hungarian Uprising with the main excuse being that he believed that the United States lacked the requisite military resources to challenge the Soviet Union especially when it is in its sphere of influence. Additionally, due to his administrations fiscal conservatism the size of the armed forces was significantly reduced and subsequent development of the strategic doctrine of the massive retaliation (Brinkley 2011).

Monday, October 28, 2019

Argumentative Essay on Gay Marriage Essay Example for Free

Argumentative Essay on Gay Marriage Essay Marriage is the ceremonial binding of two people, male and female, into one couple. Historically, marriage has been the institution when a man and a woman join together with the promise of love, devotion, to always stay together, to be there for each other, to take care of one another and to start a family together. Biblically, marriage has been all the aspects above, but including honoring, loving and growing closer to God and raising their family in ways that the Lord would have them, by abiding to the Word of God. Now days the traditional view of marriage is being changed by gay and lesbian couples demanding the same right to love, honor and cherish each other. This argumentative essay on gay marriage will explore both sides on the debate of gay and lesbian marriages. Historically, marriage was seen as a religious and civil union that brought together a man and woman for the purpose of joining family and to live the rest of their lives together. Biblical marriage was seen with the same purposes but including God in their marriage and to honor and obey the laws of marriage in His Word. Love may have been a big part of choosing a mate, or asking the person to marry you, but not the only factor. For Christians, we would not choose a mate; neither friends, nor family nor parents, but the Lord would choose â€Å"the one† for us. If you choose a mate, you would choose one that you could live with the rest of your life, who could put up with you and your shenanigans and vice-versa, who may have a lot in common or may not and so forth. Over time society has came to believe that love is the only reason to marry. No longer is marriage a union that is based on the future together forever and for starting a family, but just for enjoyment and emotional satisfaction. If it were to go wrong, or you just stopped loving that person, you could always back out and find another person to love. With these shifts in why to marry, what we have come to expect from marriage has also changed. Modern American society has changed its view of marriage. Society sees marriage as an institution whose purpose is to provide emotional satisfaction to the person concerned, and whose terms are negotia ble and revocable. Marriage, traditionally limited to unions between men and woman, in its modern state is slowly beginning to include the idea of same sex  couples. When love becomes the primary driving force to marry not the need to set up your own family then marriage can be open to any forms of partnerships. God institutes marriage in the Bible in Genesis chapter 2 verse 18, â€Å"And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone.† The Word of God states that a man and woman be married in verse 24 of chapter 2, â€Å"Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.† Not a man and another man or a woman and another woman, but one man and one woman would leave their families to start a new one together, by marriage. God didn’t create Adam and Steve, but Adam and Eve! The book of Leviticus gives God’s rules to us for everyone, everywhere for all time, here on earth. Leviticus 18:22 â€Å"Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.† Leviticus 20:13 â€Å"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: â€Å" God commanded that homosexuality is wrong, gay and lesbian marriage alike. It is an abomination is His sight. Romans 1:26b â€Å"for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:† Romans 1:27 â€Å"And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men†. It is not natural for man to like another man and want to be with him. It is the same with woman! As stated in the above paragraph, God created woman to be a help meet for men. Adam was lonely in the garden, so God created a woman from him! He didn’t create another man to be with Adam, but a woman. If homosexuality is an abomination unto the Lord, then certainly gay marriage is wrong in G od’s eyes too! Marriage, between a man and a woman, husband and wife, is to be enjoyable, pleasurable, romantic, long-lasting and holy in God’s sight! God made men and women to live with, walk with, speak with, love, to be together and enjoy life together, not the other way. I believe in the way I was reared and taught, I believe in God’s holy, infallible, inspired and preserved Word, I believe in Biblical marriage – do you?

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Marketing Essay -- Business Management Studies

Marketing Marketing is about understanding the customer needs and making sure that the products fit the customer’s needs as well as finding ways to influence the customer’s behaviour. Aims and objectives An aim is a statement of purpose that outlines what the business wants to achieve, it is a general goal e.g. to gain profit. An objective is a statement of how the business will achieve their aims it contains specific numbers and dates, they are SMART. For example achieve 4% profit by the end of 2006 Businesses need to have aims and objectives in order to have a direction to follow and gain the best they can out of their business. Objectives of a business need to be SMART, this means: * Specific†¦They need to relate to the issues and the market in which the organisation is involved is involved. * Measurable†¦ They need to see if they have been successful in achieving the objectives * Achievable†¦They must be realistic for the business to be able to achieve, where they’re not too difficult so there’s a lot of pressure on the business and not too easy. * Realistic†¦ The objectives must relate to the business and its activities and must not be too far-fetched. * Timely†¦ they must plan how and when they need to be achieved. The marketing aims and objectives are a part of the marketing plan. The marketing objectives and are also SMART and like all the other departments within the business they need to build towards the aims and objectives of the business as a whole. Marketing objectives must involve understanding the needs of the customers; they also need to stay ahead of their competition. The market research the department carries out helps to determine what their objectives ar... ...blend of the marketing mix will persuade a customer to buy the product and stay loyal to the business. It is also important that the business has a specific blend just for them because of their aims and objectives as a business, for example a supermarket needs to keep a different blend to a fast food chain as their targeted customers have different needs. Overall the marketing in a business plays a very important role in how successful a product and therefore a business will be, as a good marketing strategy will attract more customers and gain more profit for the business. The marketing department mainly relies on help from other departments and the marketing mix (it is important to have the right blend). If the business uses the right strategies to fit the product/service they provide then they will be successful in achieving their aims and objectives.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Events During the Cold War Essay

The Cold War was a very terrible war that started in 1945 between the United States and the Soviet Union and lasted 45 years. The Cold War got its name because both sides were too afraid to fight each other directly. They used words against each other to make the enemy look dumb and foolish. They fought through many other wars, too afraid of nuclear attacks directly hitting them. These wars caused great devastation across the globe. This war had started because the Soviet Union wanted to spread communism across the world, but America being a democracy, did not want that. The first ten years were somewhat interesting. On February 4 1945, there was a Yalta Conference, a wartime meeting between the heads of government from the United States, United Kingdom and Soviet Union, and the Cold War began. Right after that, Germany surrendered to the Red Army in Berlin. On August 6, the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima and killed 80,000 people. Then three days after, the United States dropped another bomb on Nagasaki that killed 70,000. Shortly after that, the Japanese surrendered and that was the end of World War II. Winston Churchill had issued warnings about the Soviets in 1946 and first used the term â€Å"iron curtain†. This term was used to describe how the Soviets had wanted power. 1946 was also the year Josef Stalin made a very hostile speech, claiming communism and capitalism couldn’t live in peace. In June of 1947, the Marshall Plan was announced. This plan set a precedent for helping countries combat poverty, disease and malnutrition. That same year, the Rio Pact was established. This was a security zone around the hemisphere with the 19 Latin American countries. Between June 1948 and September 1949, Britain and America were struggling to keep West Berlin supplied through aircraft, since the Soviet government closed all ground traffic. That year, they made 277,000 flights to carry products. In March of 1948, Truman started a Loyalty Program which was made to catch Cold War spies. Then, in that same year the Brussels Pact was made to protect Europe from communism. In 1949, China became a communist country because Mao Zedong took over. He then established the People’s  Republic of China. In June of 1950, the Korean War started and Stalin supported North Korea and gave them Soviet weapons to invade South Korea. The war in Korea ended two years later, though. In 1951 the Federal Defense Administration was established which was a program that spread information about communism and the threat of attacks. March 1954 was when KGB (Committee for State Security) was established. KGB was the national security of the Soviet Union during the Cold War. In May of 1955 the Warsaw Pact was established. This pact was a mutual defense treaty between the eight communist states of Eastern Europe during the Cold War. During these ten years, there were a few treaties and some different experimental things done, also some different groups were made just for this one huge war. The next 10 years (1956-65) didn’t have as many exciting things happen. In 1956, there was a rebellion in Communist Hungary. Then after that in 1957, Sputnik was launched into space and Laika died in space. In 1958, Khrushchev, the leader of the Soviet Union during part of the Cold War, made the Soviet troops withdrawal from Berlin. Khrushchev then visited the United States in 1959 which caused the Kitchen Debate. This was a debate between Nixon and Khrushchev at the opening of the American National Exhibition. In 1960, the Soviets revealed that there had been a United States plane shot down over Soviet territory. This year was also the year John F. Kennedy was elected president of the United States. Cuba aligns itself with the Soviet Union and their policies that same year. The Bay of Pigs invasion happened in 1961, this invasion was by CIA trained exiles of Cuba into southern Cuba to try to overthrow the government, but it was unsuccessful. In 1962 the United States becomes more involved in the Vietnam War to keep communist takeover of South Vietnam as a strategy of containment. That was the same year of the Cuban missile crisis between the Soviet Union and Cuba and the United States, it lasted thirteen days. November of 1963 was a sad month because President Kennedy was assassinated, probably because of a conspiracy. The Gulf of Tonkin incident was in 1964 which was a confrontation between North Vietnam and the United States. In 1965 some United States marines were sent to the Dominican Republic to fight Communism. These 10 years were not very exciting but there were a few important events that changed the United States. From 1966 to 1975, not much happened. It was kind of a dull period compared to the last twenty years. In 1967 the United Stated Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara admitted that the United States bombing raids had failed to meet their objectives. Richard Nixon was elected for president and North Korea captured U.S.S. Pueblo the year after. The USS Pueblo was a United States spy ship and it is still currently being held captive by Korea, though it is a museum now. Then, in 1969 Apollo 11 landed on the moon which had Neil Armstrong in it. He was the first person to step on the moon and it was a great accomplishment in US history. In 1970 Nixon spread the Vietnam War to Cambodia. The Pentagon papers were signed the year after in 1971. These papers were a United States history of its involvement in the Vietnam War. In 1972 not only did Nixon visit China, but SALT I (Strategic Arms Limitation Talk) was signed; this was between the two Cold War superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union on the issue of armament control. The United States supported coup overthrew the Chilean government in 1973. The year after that, Nixon resigned but since then he has been the only president to ever resign. In 1975 North Vietnam defeated South Vietnam who then fell into communism. I do not know why these ten years were so boring, but they were even though they ended in another country falling into communism. The next ten years from 1976 to 1985 were even duller than the ones before. It started off with the Soviet Union and Cuba forcing Angola to become a communist state. In 1979, SALT II was signed. This time it was just an experimental negotiation about curtailing the manufacturing of nuclear weapons. The same year SALT II was signed, the Soviet forces invaded Afghanistan and the United States and China established diplomatic relations. In 1980, Polish shipyard workers started a strike and the Solidarity Union was formed, which was the first non-communist trade union in Warsaw Pact territory, and the strike leader, Lech Walesa, was elected as the head of the Solidarity Union. Three years later, President Reagan proposed the Strategic Defense Initiative. That initiative was created to protect the United States from nuclear missile attacks. In that same year, United States troops invaded and overthrew the regime in Grenada and ended  in a victory. Mikhail Gorbachev became the leader of the Soviet Union and initiated a campaign of increased openness and transparency in government institutions called â€Å"glasnost† and a political movement within the Soviet Union called â€Å"perestroika† in 1985. As you can see, not much happened during these ten years but there were still some interesting things that happened. The last five years were when quite a few countries became independent after so long. In 1986 President Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev resolve to remove all intermediate nuclear missiles from Europe. Then in the year after that, Reagan and Gorbachev agree to remove all medium and short-range nuclear missiles. This meant that the war was coming to a close and things were becoming less violent. The Soviet groups with drawled from Afghanistan in 1989. Poland and Hungary both become independent and communist governments fall in Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, and Rumania, the Soviet empire declined in this year as well. Russia got a new president; Boris Yeltsin, in 1990 also. Another country became independent a year later, Lithuania. Germany also became reunited during this year. In 1991, the Warsaw Pact ended which meant the Cold War was over and the Soviet Union was done for, the end of it all. The Cold War was something terrible that happened between the United States and the Soviet Union for a stupid reason. It caused a lot of problems and different wars throughout the world just because they were too afraid to fight face to face but, it did not cause a huge amount of deaths. The Cold War was not really the kind of war that killed people; it was more of a war on which country could develop faster. This war could have been easily prevented but I guess some things just have to happen. A 45 year war for only one thing. Power. Works Cited â€Å"Cold War.† enotes. n.d. Web. 20 May, 2012. â€Å"Cold War Timeline.† History Timelines. n.d. Web. 20 May, 2012. Pillai, Prabhakar â€Å"Causes and Effects of the Cold War.† Buzzle. n.d. 21 May, 2012. â€Å"Timeline of the Cold War.† Think Quest. n.d. Web. 20 May 2012.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Feminism in South Park

Introduction South Park has been around for a while now. Since it was aired for the first time on 13th August 1997, the show has constantly pushed the boundaries taking on everything, leaving out nothing. The reception among the wider population and the media had a wide range from â€Å"shocking† to â€Å"excellent†. One of the aspects of this success story is that, because of its provocative tone the show has managed to stay in the limelight.Public debate was evolving around certain episodes, bringing more and more attention to the show. As it was constantly picking up contemporary themes, topics or events, expectations were growing and â€Å"‘How will South Park deal with x' has become a common catch phrase† Oohnson-Woods 257). Another reason why South Park is so appealing is its humour which is absolutely unrestricted and irreverent Oohnson-Woods 257). Seemingly, the creators of the show do not set any boundaries for themselves, taking on everything and everybody.Even public fgures and celebrities are not spared. The viewer witnesses events like Barbara Streisand mutating into a giant, destructive monster, Martha Stewart taking a turkey up her ectum, or Ben Affleck having a sexual affair with a nine-year old boy. People apparently enjoy the stylistic, humorous and critical social approach of the show, making it the most successful satire so far. Being full of toilet humour and foul language, South Park is pushing â€Å"the boundaries of good taste. Few shows have dared to go where South Park goes† Oohnson-Woods 244). It is also full of introspect and unbiased social commentary' (Khodasevich 2) and is characterized by its libertarian attitude, which is granting freedom to everyone and especially to itself. As it is a satirical approach to social conventions. South Park tries to make a point on various discourses within our society by â€Å"filtering these problems through children† Oohnson-Woods 163, 164). These childr en are a group of elementary school boys, namely Stan Marsh, the normal kid, Kyle Broflovski, a Jew, Eric Cartman, the fat and selfish kid and Kenny McCormick, who is the timid kid dying in every episode without further recognition.There's also several other characters that get developed throughout the seasons. However, it is interesting to point out that it is mostly male characters that grow. Female characters in the show are prevalently portrayed â€Å"as he boys mothers, classmates, and authority fgures†, and do â€Å"rarely develop past a specific role† (Khodasevich 2). This very fact, among others, â€Å"raises many red flags† among feminists (Miller 177). Furthermore feminist criticism is extended to the vulgar language and the derogatory words that are used in labelling females.Also the prevalent sexual inequality between men and women, namely the sexual objectification that is supposedly depicted makes the show a target for feminist criticism. So seemin gly, feminists rarely do belong to the wide fan-base of the show. However, the show is actually, despite the hateful, vulgar, and derogatory language which is often misinterpreted and misunderstood and therefore labeled misogynist, incorporating feminist standpoints and theories like the objectification of women, patriarchal views and stereotypical gender roles, and strongly supporting them.As sometimes† (177). 2. South Park and Feminism â€Å"South Park is a show that can either be considered as â€Å"cruelly funny and hysterically satirical [†¦ that] took animation one step backwards and five steps forward intellectually,† or as â€Å"degrading toilet humour, depending on your point of iew' Oohnson-Woods X'). This description by Johnson-Woods is perfectly serving as a transition to the main part of this paper. Is it â€Å"intellectually' challenging or is it simply â€Å"degrading† nonsense that feminists and feminist critics can not endorse? . 1 Use of Language Many feminist critics are focused on the derogatory and vulgar language in South Park. The choice of words is, for the most part of the series, bound to swearing and oaths which are mainly used by the male charactersl . Words like â€Å"bitch†, â€Å"whore† â€Å"chicks† or â€Å"cunt† are seen as generalizing terms for women, used to degrade their tatus within in the series and thereof for women in real life. This assumption might be conceivable, as most women in the TV-show are far from using comparable phrases to describe men.There are simply less words which would have the same descriptive and generalizing effect as the above-mentioned terms used for women. However, women in South Park are not expelled from using derogatory and vulgar language. Robin Lakoffwrote in his book Language and Woman's Place that little girls should not use rough language like boys because this would not enhance their status and prestige among men within the patriar chal system. In fact it would expose females to ridicule and ostracising (5).Within this scope South Park makes a feminist stand in â€Å"Tom's Rhinoplasty' (episode 11 of the first season). When Wendy Testaburger is, driven by Jealousy to the new class teacher Ms Ellen approaching her after class to have a word with her, she Just explodes with furious swearing and threatening. Wendy: Miss Ellen, can I talk to you Ms. Ellen: Of course Wendy. Wendy: I couldn't help but notice that you taking a liking in my boyfriend Stan Ms. Ellen: Well IVe taken a liking in all of you. You're all so young and cute and full of life.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Bubonic Plague Essays - Plague, Bubonic Plague, Yersinia Pestis

Bubonic Plague Essays - Plague, Bubonic Plague, Yersinia Pestis Bubonic Plague The Bubonic Plague has killed more people than any other plague. During the 1300s, the Black Death, as they called it, killed nearly half the population of Europe. They called it the Black Death because of the dark color the peoples faces would turn after they died. It is caused by rod-shaped bacteria, Yersinia Pestis. The Bubonic Plague is an acute and severe infection. It is carried by the fleas on infected rodents(rat, squirrel). If the rodent or flea bites a person then it can be passed from person to person from mucus droplets spread by coughing. When infected, the person becomes ill in a few hours to a few days. The bacteria spread throughout the body. The symptoms include swollen lymph nodes(buboes), damaged capillaries signified by bleeding under the skin and black splotches, high fever, aching limbs, vomiting blood, shivering and extreme pain, and swelling continues in lymph nodes on groins, armpits, and neck until they burst shortly before death. Other forms of the plague are pneumonic, which causes severe pneumonia and septicemia. All forms of the plague are extremely dangerous and contagious. (2) The plague has been known for at least three-thousand years. Epidemics have been recorded in China since 224bc. The disease occurred in huge pandemics that destroyed the entire populations of cities throughout the Middle Ages; they have occurred sporadically since that time. The last great pandemic began in China in 1894 and spread to Africa, the Pacific islands, Australia, and the Americas, reaching San Francisco in 1900. Plague still occurs in Asia, Africa, South America, and Australia, but rarely appears in the U.S. Two small, well-contained outbreaks occurred in India in 1994. In 1950 the World Health Organization initiated sanitation programs for plague control throughout the world. (1) Many preventive measures, such as sanitation, killing of rats, and prevention of the transport of rats in ships arriving from ports in which the disease is endemic, are effective in reducing the incidence of plague. Famine, which reduces resistance to the disease, results in spread of plague. Individuals who have contracted the disease are isolated, put to bed, and fed fluids and easily digestible foods. Sedatives are used to reduce pain and to quiet delirium. During World War II, scientists using sulfa drugs were able to produce cures of plague; subsequently, streptomycin and tetracycline were found to be more effective in controlling the disease. (3)

Monday, October 21, 2019

Report to the Management of Wilson, Tan Associates The WritePass Journal

Report to the Management of Wilson, Tan Associates Introduction Report to the Management of Wilson, Tan Associates ]. Myers, S. C. Brealey, R. A. (2002). Principles of Corporate Finance. 7th Edition McGraw-Hill. Penman, S. (2007) Financial Statements Analysis and Securities Valuation.3rd Edition. McGraw-Hill. Robinson, T. R., Greuning, J. H., Henry, E., Broihahn, M. A. (2009), â€Å"Financial Analysis Techniques† in Financial Reporting and Analysis, CFA Program Curriculum, vol. 3, Pearson Custom Publishing.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Five Ways to Write Faster

Five Ways to Write Faster Five Ways to Write Faster Five Ways to Write Faster By Ali Hale Whether you need to clear a backlog of emails, write an important document at work, finish a short story, or do your homework, spending hours staring at a blank screen and struggling to come up with words won’t help. If you know you could get twice as much done if only you could write faster, try some of the following methods. Don’t worry about the quality of your first draft Whether you’re writing fiction or non-fiction, many experts recommend just getting the first draft done before starting to edit. That means keeping the momentum going as you write, rather than going back to change words or delete sentences. If you’re a perfectionist and write slowly because you worry about getting every little detail right the first time round, giving yourself the freedom to produce a â€Å"rubbish first draft† can triple your writing speed. Once you’re done, go back and edit: often, you’ll be surprised that your first draft really isn’t too bad! In his book Do It Tomorrow (which I strongly recommend for anyone who struggles to manage their time and attention), Mark Forster recommends writing a series of quick drafts: When I first learnt the techniqute of writing in a series of rapid drafts, my first draft would usually consist of nothing more than a few words jotted down. My second draft would add a bit more and I would go on revising it until I had it in the form I wanted. There are two great advantages to doing it this way. First of all it gets rid of the perfectionist feeling that it has to be got right first time. If I think a sentence is a bit clumsy, what does it matter? There’ll be another draft along in a moment. The second advantage is that engaging with the material in this way allows new thoughts and insights to appear. Outline the piece before starting With bigger projects, it’s easy to get stuck because you’ve come to a standstill or gone off on a tangent. Jot down some notes before you begin: that might be subheadings for a blog post or article, paragraphs for an essay, or plot points for a short story. Type these onto your computer screen – you’ll no longer be staring at a blank document, and seeing the next subheading or paragraph point ahead will help keep you on track. Set a timer for ten minutes and write non-stop until it goes off Have you noticed how much faster you write when you need to finish something before a set time (perhaps lunch, or an essay deadline)? It’s amazing how much your brain can focus when you’ve only got a few minutes. Mark Forster calls this the â€Å"end effect† – speeding up at the end of a piece of work – and recommends using a timer to produce it consistently. Challenge yourself to see how much you can produce in ten minutes. Do your research and preparation separately from the writing Something that can really slow things down is stopping to look up a fact, find a quote, or check a figure. When you write the outline for your piece (see #2), you should have a good idea of what references you’ll need to make. Look these up before you start writing, and have them all to hand. Alternatively, if the process of writing sparks off ideas of websites, books or people you want to refer to, don’t stop to find them part-way through writing the piece. Leave a note in the text to remind yourself of what you want to include; you might want to highlight this in some way so you don’t forget to go back and put it in! For example, in the first draft of this article, I wrote [Quote from Mark Forster on drafting process] and looked it up when I revised the first draft. The same applies if you’re unsure of how to spell a word, or if you can’t quite think of the right phrase: highlight it in some way, and come back to it once the first draft is complete. Turn off distractions (instant messenger, Twitter, email.) If you’re constantly interrupted by friends wanting to chat on instant messenger, by incoming emails, by new posts coming through to your RSS reader – turn everything off. I can write at least twice as fast – and often even faster – without any distractions. You might think it only takes a few seconds to read each message, but every time you turn your attention away from what you’re writing, you lose momentum. I’m great at procrastinating when I should be writing and so I write most of my blog posts first thing in the morning, before I even connect my computer to the internet. This also helps with #4 – I’m not tempted to stop and search for some missing piece of information on Google every few minutes. Have you got any great tips on speeding up your writing? Can you dash off an essay in an hour, or race through your inbox with ease? Let us know what tips and tricks you’ve discovered – or, alternatively, if you’re a slow writer, tell us where you think you’re going wrong! Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Writing Basics category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:English Grammar 101: All You Need to KnowWhenever vs. When EverHow Do You Determine Whether to Use Who or Whom?

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Research Paper on San Diego County CAFR Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

On San Diego County CAFR - Research Paper Example The city functions under and is administrated by the State of California’s laws and its own Charter, as periodically modified since its acceptance by the electorate in 1931 (CAFR 24). The weather of San Diego County is portrayed by mild winters with most of the annual rainfall between November to March and warm and dry summers. It is known for its natural deep water harbor, long relationship with the U.S. navy, mild year-round climate, extensive beaches, and latest emergence as a biotechnology and healthcare development center. Most people who visit the county head to the wild animal park, San Diego zoo, sea world or Lego land. The national, regional and international economic condition has badly affected San Diego County’s City services and revenue. It has also exaggerated the health of the business community. In this tough economic environment, the City of San Diego has effectively balanced its annual budget and also implemented them on time i.e. by June 30 each year. This paper will provide an analysis of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) of San Diego County and the city also meet the Governmental Accounting Standard Board (GASB) 34 requirements because the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report has been prepared in conformance with the standards and principles for reporting as set forth by GASB 34. Governmental Accounting Standard Board (GASB) With the implementation of the GASB 34, the financial reporting model for local and state governments has been changed. The financial statements under GASB 34 must include: Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A); Government wide Statements involving Statement of Activities; Statement of Net Assets; Fund Statements; Notes to Financial Statements and Required Supplementary Information which includes the budgetary comparison. The CAFR of San Diego County meets the GASB 34 requirements as it is prepared in conformance with the standards and principles for reporting as required in GASB 34. Th e CAFR of the City also contains MD&A, Statement of Net Assets; Statement of Activities; Fund Statements; Notes to Financial Statements and Required Supplementary Information which includes the budgetary comparison of General Funds. The objective of the City’s CAFR is to provide with the financial statement which is of material misstatement. It maintains the accuracy of data; and fairness and completeness of the presentation. In addition, the City is keeping on to progress a complete internal control over the framework of financial reporting to ascertain satisfactory management of taxpayer funds (CAFR 22). According to GASB 34 and 51, in the government wide statements; all major assets are capitalized by the City of San Diego. Capital assets of both proprietary and governmental funds are utilized at the government wide level and proprietary assets are accounted at the fund level (CAFR 41). 2011 2010 With the execution of GASB 54, there was a considerable reclassification betw een Unrestricted and Restricted Net Assets. Restricted Net Assets resulted in an increase of $949,227 i.e. by $376,845 and Unrestricted Net Assets goes down by $394,573 (CAFR 36). The statistical section provides information as required by GASB 44. In addition to the financial sta

Friday, October 18, 2019

Orange is the New Black Analysis Response Paper Essay

Orange is the New Black Analysis Response Paper - Essay Example en comparing this to John Ann’s book on Discourse Communities and Communities of Practice: Membership, Conflict, and Diversity, discourse communities have unique ways in which they operate and one needed not to join the community in order to participate in it. He talked about how conflict can arise from such a community and how authority can be used to solve such conflicts. Just like in jail people who join particular discourse communities are brought together by the fact that they have things in common such as language, basis of sharing things in common such as sharing participation, and sharing expectations. As people who come to prisons are people from diverse culture, races and origin, these people belong to a discourse society which they find themselves in, hence, with time, adopts to the particular cultures, religion and behaviors of the new discourse society. In these discourse communities formed, just like a formed social website, there are new things that go viral ver y fast. News that gathered from one part of the community does not take long before it spreads to the whole community. As John puts it, discourse communities have ways of controlling their numbers around the globe. First, they have the same language and way of communication. They have a way of obtaining membership, hence can easily control their numbers in the world. They therefore communicate very efficiently to one another. There are times that we find ourselves in certain communities without our influence. For instance, when I find myself born amidst people who are not my tribe mates, different races, different cultures and religion. I will have to cope up to the situation as I adapt to the new changes in life. I will therefore consider that community as my discourse community. However, some discourse communities are by choice, such as that going to jail, joining a social website,

The Amen Corner (response paper) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Amen Corner (response paper) - Essay Example Her movements are natural and a way too expressive, but it is good for the performance as it corresponds to the plot of the play. She is persuasive even when she sits on a chair because her movements and behavior do not change to more passive or less engaged mode. Overall, her performance adds drive to the play and she copes with her task successfully. 2. All actors dynamically move around the stage. There is a certain rotation to give each actor some time for taking a leading role. These actors usually stand in the middle or in the front positions towards other actors. It makes them visible for other actors and spectators. It is evident that even when the actors sit, they have to move and express their engagement. The arrangement of benches on the stage makes the stalls to join the space of the church. It is very engaging for people as they are offered to take part in the performance too. On the other hand, when the action takes place in the church, all characters have their major place, but their conduct seems to be not realistic because they are all too enthusiastic. Every actor who takes a lead manifests their character a bit aggressively, and it makes transition from one role to the other unnatural. At the same time, when scene moves from church to home, the situation improves. Actors behave naturally and manage to establish homely atmosphere on the state. In this way, directors work can be considered successful because it adds dynamics to the play and let some space for each character to remain individual and avoid merging with the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Cultural Event Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

Cultural Event Report - Essay Example These works include a lot of paintings, photography, media arts, sculpture and design. The collections and works in the museum therefore serve the international community. When I arrived at the museum I saw different cadre of people from all walks of life either entering, leaving or in the museum. This attracted my attention and I got interested as to why all these people came to this place. I knew there must have been something very unique. When I arrived at the museum, it was appealing enough. The buildings are lovely and the architects are very touching. I felt as if I should stay there for the rest of my life. When I was entering I realized that it was not necessary that I follow a particular route. I saw everyone else following their self made routes. This enabled me to go the direction which I admired. The freedom that was there was just amazing. The oceanic galleries were dramatic and marvelous (Kino, 2010). The department of Media arts at San Francisco develops exhibition programs as well as educational events (Littlejohn, 2010). The events relate to video, performance art related to media arts and films. This department is composed of diversified modern art production technologies. This department consists of videos, digital film experiments and web projects. The museum has archives which are used as a conservation and research centre. Modern paintings, paper works, analogue and digital objects. It provides security to these objects and is also used by various professionals as a laboratory for carrying out research. The research library is composed of exhibition catalogues, monographs, serials titles and general art resources. Other things in the archives are a collection of artists’ books such as Margery Mann and Tillim (Kino, 2010). In general this department is composed of all the historical things and objects. After a visit to the museum I can say that it was a good experience to me. It provided me with positive

Virtual Project Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Virtual Project Management - Research Paper Example Despite the fact that project network is growing prevalence, little is known about it and how it can form the many problems within the circle of project management. Therefore, the study gives an extensive literature review that includes definitions of project networks and analysis the body of knowledge of project network. Introduction There is a marked rise in the number of firms that are regarded as being project oriented. Consequently there has been an increase in recognition of the effect of successful projects concerning the gain loss status. Virtual project network is defined as a small number of people with skills that complement who are committed equally to a common goal, purpose and work approach that they are mutually accountable (Zenun et al., 2007). These teams are often formed to overcome temporal and geographical barriers (Cascio and Shurygailo, 2003). Project networks work across barriers of time and space by using computer driven technologies. It covers a wide range of actions and working that is supported by technology (Anderson et al., 2007).The members of the virtual team are located in many different locations. This trait has forced extensive use of array of forms of communication that use the computer unit to enable the members that are physically dispersed, to co ordinate their inputs and hard work (Peter and Maz.2007). Project networks are defined by Gassmann and Von zedtwitz (2003b) as a set of citizens and sub-teams who act together in the course of the tasks that are interdependent , common purpose and work across licks that are strengthened by communication, information and transport technologies like video conferencing, email, telephone. Another suggestion is that they are distributed networks whose members are spread physically and whose work is synchronized predominantly using communication technologies like email, telephone and video conferencing and electronic information (Hertel et el. 2005). The degree of geographical dispersion within a project network team can contrast widely from one associate being located in a special location than others to each member being in his own location. (Staples and Zhao. 2006) We can distinguish different forms of project networks depending on the numbers of persons taking part and the level of interaction between them. One of them is timeworks’ which is done partly or fully out side the company’s place of work with the help of telecommunication and information services. Parallel teams who work within a short time to come up with recommendation for improving a development, project teams: carry out projects for users for a specific period, management teams: work associatively daily with a purposeful division. The first feature of that can be a problem in project management is quality. From the project owners, quality can be a challenge. The client or owner representative spends most of their time on the stewarding of the managers. This means that they could not be focusing on quality nearly as much as they could be. Rezgui (2007) investigates how efficient virtual teams are and any other type of virtual association, in the building sector and investigates the factors that persuade their successful adoption. May and Canter(2007) in this study of virtual network in the European automotive business have revealed that communication and teamwork between

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Cultural Event Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

Cultural Event Report - Essay Example These works include a lot of paintings, photography, media arts, sculpture and design. The collections and works in the museum therefore serve the international community. When I arrived at the museum I saw different cadre of people from all walks of life either entering, leaving or in the museum. This attracted my attention and I got interested as to why all these people came to this place. I knew there must have been something very unique. When I arrived at the museum, it was appealing enough. The buildings are lovely and the architects are very touching. I felt as if I should stay there for the rest of my life. When I was entering I realized that it was not necessary that I follow a particular route. I saw everyone else following their self made routes. This enabled me to go the direction which I admired. The freedom that was there was just amazing. The oceanic galleries were dramatic and marvelous (Kino, 2010). The department of Media arts at San Francisco develops exhibition programs as well as educational events (Littlejohn, 2010). The events relate to video, performance art related to media arts and films. This department is composed of diversified modern art production technologies. This department consists of videos, digital film experiments and web projects. The museum has archives which are used as a conservation and research centre. Modern paintings, paper works, analogue and digital objects. It provides security to these objects and is also used by various professionals as a laboratory for carrying out research. The research library is composed of exhibition catalogues, monographs, serials titles and general art resources. Other things in the archives are a collection of artists’ books such as Margery Mann and Tillim (Kino, 2010). In general this department is composed of all the historical things and objects. After a visit to the museum I can say that it was a good experience to me. It provided me with positive

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Memo 1 about health policy analyses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Memo 1 about health policy analyses - Essay Example Expansion of a weight loss program constituting of obese adults would aid in saving Medicare expenditure. The lifestyle intervention program had the capacity to generate weight loss and the initial phase of this program involved random global clinical trials. The trials demonstrated the ability of this program in generating weight loss and preventing the development of prediabetes to diabetes (Thorpe & Yang, 2011). The participants of this program were obese adults and the immediate goal was to attain and maintain a seven percent weight loss of an individual. Moreover, the program was inclusive of exercise and behavioral alterations that lasted for six month and proved to be the most effective approach in weight loss. It led to an average of seven percent weight loss among the participants, which also persisted after a follow up of three years. In addition, it minimized the occurrence of diabetes among the participants aged twenty-five and above by a margin of fifty eight percent (Thorpe & Yang, 2011). Moreover, it reduced diabetes by seventy percent to the participants aged sixty and a bove. The community-based program had the same goal of attaining a seven percent weight loss and inclusive of a curriculum developed to accomplish diet, exercise, and behavioral alterations (Thorpe & Yang, 2011). This program generate reductions comparable to those achieve in the lifestyle program. It achieved a six percent weight loss after six months. This program was advantageous because it involved low administration costs. The low costs of the program generated a decrease in health care expenditure over a period of two years. The health law has prompted the existence of a body responsible for funding these programs. Moreover, this law has enabled identification of approaches aimed at improving the worth of health care, and minimizing costs. The lifestyle intervention and community based programs have demonstrated their

Operations Process Design Essay Example for Free

Operations Process Design Essay Operations process design 1. Introduction The assignment will be on the manufacturing of concrete stone paving. This product has been chosen because its demand is growing rapidly as most people are concerned about the need for decorating their homes, businesses, municipalities are involved in small town regeneration programmes and there is growth in development buildings and malls in the Eastern Cape. Concrete stone paving is preferred instead of other forms because it is versatile, aesthetically attractive, functional, cost effective and requires little or no maintenance if correctly manufactured and laid. Sellers of concrete stone paving in East London are sourcing it from other provinces or countries, there are very few manufacturers and yet the demand is high. The company which will be started for the manufacturing of stone paving will develop a business strategy and mission and the operations mission and objectives will be aligned to them. The operations’ mission will be to provide quality and value for money stone paving in an effective and efficient way. The distinctive competence is the fact the local manufacturing that will offer customer opportunity to order desired designs instead of choosing from the available designs. The company will also capitalise short lead times as the product is locally manufactured and has highly skilled and experienced cross functional team that is innovative. 2. Product/service design In designing the product the company will adopt an inter-functional view, meaning that a product must meet the market needs and also have a technical advantage. This will be easily accomplished by the company as it possess a team of highly experienced specialists. Strategy for the stone paving is to differentiation and a product in which a customer finds value for money. In designing that product a cross functional team will be formed as this will benefit the organisation to make  the product a success. The team will be composed of all relevant representatives who have expertise in different fields like marketing, operations, engineering and supply chain management. Suppliers and customers will be included in the design phase of the product. Similar criteria will be used for selection of suppliers that will be involved in the project. The criteria to be used will be technical expertise, capability, capacity and low risk, thus only suppliers who demonstrate these attributes will be considered. Shruder, et al. (2013) suggests that collaboration with customers in the design process is essential as it results in a smooth running of the processes. The collaboration with customers will be considered for the development of the stone paving and different methods will be used to encourage participation like aligning incentives for customers to share knowledge and including them as advisors in the design team. While the stone paving is developed the manufacturability and value engineering activities which are concerned with improvement of design and specification at the research, development, design and production stages of product development will be considered. The foreseen benefits of implementing manufacturability and value engineering are cost reduction, reduced complexity of the paving, reduction of environmental impact and additional standardisation amongst others (Heizer and Render, 2011). Literature suggests different techniques that can be used in the design of products throughout the product life cycle, for the stone paving product techniques that will be used are: o robust design – this will allow small variations in the production of the paving to be done without affecting the product. o computer aided design – the computer will be used to develop and document the different types of paving. o value analysis successful products will be reviewed during the production process to ensure improvements. The aspects of design for paving that will be considered include the sizes, types and colours of paving to be manufactured. Further consideration will  be how the product must be manufactured, its quality and market acceptance. The specifications of the product will be meticulous in order to ensure efficient production. Heizer and Render (2011) states that it is vital to define, design and document a product as it determines the equipment, the layout and human resources required. Engineering drawings will be prepared for the stone paving to show dimensions tolerances, materials and finishes of components. Then a bill of material will list the components, their description and the quantity to make one unit of each type of stone paving. The assembly drawings, assembly charts, route sheets and work orders will be used to assist in the actual production of the paving. The laws and industry standards applicable to the product will be adhered and the product will be produced and delivered in an ethical and environmentally sound and sustainable way. 3. Process design According to Schroeder, et al. (2013) there are different types of processes (batch, assembly line, continuous, job shop, and project) each being suitable for a specific product produced. The concrete paving slabs are a low to moderate volume and will be produced in different types, sizes and colours, therefore the batch process will be more suitable. The factory layout will be designed such that it increases the efficiency and reduces the bottlenecks in the process. As different types of paving will be manufactured, e.g. budget manufactured stone, standard manufactured stone, premium manufactured stone and premium natural stone amongst others, the type of order fulfilment which will be appropriate is the make to order so as to reduce the costs of inventory, storage and damage. The suppliers will also be arranged such that the orders for supply like concrete and aggregates are delivered just in time for manufacturing. The process for the manufacturing of paving will be according to the stages detailed below. 3.1 Batching Aggregates will be used for making the various types of paving. The different aggregate types will be stored separately and so that they are well drained at all times. They will be protected from rain so as to stay dry before being mixed with the cement, thus ensuring that the optimum moisture content is not exceeded. The cement will be weighed to an accuracy of 1% except when batched by whole bags. Aggregates will be weighed to an accuracy of 2%. The weight of the aggregate batched will be adjusted in order to make allowance for moisture contained in the aggregates. 3.2 Mixing After batching, the aggregates and binder will be discharged separately or simultaneously, together with pigment if required, into the mixer and thoroughly mixed before any additional water is added. If a mix has high fines contents it may require longer mixing. Based on measurement of the variable moisture content of the aggregates or visual assessment by operators, water must be added to the mixture to bring it to optimum moisture content. Uniformity is important because differences in water content from batch to batch will result in differences in quality. After mixing, the mixture is stored in hoppers ready for dispensing into the moulds. 3.3 Filling of moulds Two basic principles will be applied for the production machines. The first method takes an amount of mixture and progressively compacts it under vibration until a predetermined height has been reached. In the second method, a gauged quantity of mixture is compacted for a set period. Care has to be taken for variations in density which may result if the gauged quantities are not consistent or the mixture is not uniformly distributed within the mould. Previbration is often used to facilitate filling and any gaps in moulds are thereafter topped up with a second filling of mixture. 3.4 Compaction The standard optimum period of vibration is 3 to 12 seconds and the same standard will be applied when compacting. Concrete pavers with a thickness greater than 80 mm will not be manufactured. Frequency and amplitude of vibration will be optimised for the specific materials being used and the number of blocks being moulded per cycle. 3.5 Curing The quality of concrete pavers is improved by water curing. Curing can be effected in one of three ways: moisture retention, steam curing and thermal insulation. The methods that will be used are detailed below: Moisture retention This is the least sophisticated method, is effective for blocks that are less dense and thus tend to lose moisture rapidly. Loss of moisture from newly made blocks is prevented by wrapping them in plastic sheeting. Thermal curing Newly moulded paving blocks are placed in an insulated chamber for a period of 24 hours. Temperature is increased by the heat of hydration of the cement and no additional heat is provided. The method is therefore inexpensive. 3.6 Quality control Control measures will be implemented at various critical points during the process and specific tests will be undertaken so as to ensure that the end product is of high quality. 4. Layout The company will have a layout strategy that will support its differentiation and value for money strategy. The layout strategy is aimed at developing an effective and efficient layout that will meet the organisation’s competitive requirements. According to (Slack, et al., 1998)  the layout design must consider the achievement of the following:- o maximum utilisation of space, equipment and people o improved flow of information, people or material o improved employee morale and safer working conditions o improved customer interaction, and o flexibility to accommodate changes and innovation 4.1 Manufacturing equipment Batching equipment Weight batching will be performed to ensure that a uniform product is obtained and for smaller projects, whole bags of cement will be used if the sizes of batch and mixer are compatible. Mixer Because a semi-dry mixture is used to mould concrete paving blocks, effective mixing will be done with pan and trough mixers. The size of the pan mixer will be related to production so that batches are used up within a reasonable time. Moulding machine Paving blocks must have fullest possible compaction achieved therefore the equipment must be capable of a high degree of compaction and satisfactory output. Stationary plants using the pallet system will be used as they provide the necessary high levels of vibration and pressure. LINE 1LINE 2LINE 3 5. Staffing If an organisation is to achieve it’s corporate as well as operations strategy and objectives, machines and equipment are not enough. People are needed to perform the operations of the business so that ultimately a product is produced and sold to the customers, thereby making money for the business. Important decisions have to be made regarding the jobs to be performed and the type of skills and competencies people who perform those  jobs should have. The development of the organizational structure should follow after the development of the strategy and the Human Resource department in collaboration with other departments should ensure that the right people are employed and retained for the productivity and sustainability of the business. This business‘s structure will be composed of the core business functions which are engineering, operations/manufacturing, marketing and sales, finance, human resources and administration as well as information communication technology. Below is a typical organizational structure that will ensure that the organization fully functions and cross functional teams will be used to ensure utilization of skills and contribution by many towards achievement of the organizational goals. Organisational Structure 6. Capacity planning Capacity refers to the number of units that the organisation can hold, receive store or produce in a period of time, this assist in assessing whether the demand will be satisfied or whether facilities will be idle. It is critical to determine the size of the business with the aim of achieving high levels of utilisation and high return on investment. The choice of equipment and the capacity decisions must be aligned to the organisation’s mission and strategy. Nigel, et al. (1998) suggests that the following factors be considered in order to obtain good capacity planning, o accurately forecasting the demand,  o understanding the equipment, processes and capacity increments, o finding the optimum operating size, and  o ensuring the flexibility needed for adjustments in technology, product features and mix as well as volumes. A number of techniques are available and useful for making capacity decisions and those are bottleneck analysis, good forecasting, breakeven analysis, cashflow and net present value amongst others. Currently the trends show that in East London in the Eastern Cape, the demand for the paving tiles exceeds the supply as a result the prices charged are very high compared to other cities or to other provinces. The places that are selling the tiles only buy them from other provinces or countries there is only one manufacturer. Therefore by maximising on the location economies and focusing at the Eastern Cape market, one could be able to have the desired market share. A risk management plan has to be in place and an aggressive marketing strategy will be designed to ensure customers become aware of our products and the value that can be derived from sourcing paving locally. Bottleneck management will be paid attention to by the Operations Manager as this will impact on the efficiency of the system and utilisation of resources. The four principles of bottleneck management will be taken cognisance of, the principles are: o release work order to the system at the pace set by the bottleneck’s capacity. o the bottlenecks should always be kept busy with work. o Non-bottlenecks should have planned idle time, as increasing their capacity has no impact on the system’s overall capacity. o Increasing capacity of the bottleneck increases capacity for the whole system. Illustration of capacity analysis with parallel processes 30 min60 min60 min60 min 28days 1 day Break –even analysis The break-even analysis will be calculated to determine how many products must be produced before profit can be made. Efforts to reduce the variable costs will be undertaken so that production can be maximised. 7. Location choice Location is the geographical positioning of an operation relative to the input resources, other operations or the customers with which it interacts (Slack, et al., 1998). The objective of a location strategy is to maximise the benefits of location of the organisation. The strategies used can either be location and costs or location and innovation, for this paving manufacturing company the location and costs strategy will be the focus, innovation will be a long-term factor to be considered. The manufacturing of concrete paving slabs requires cement, aggregates, water chemical admixtures, pigments and people amongst other factors. The company will have to identify all the necessary factors that may impact on the business financially and otherwise in order to select the location for manufacturing. A number of methods of evaluating location alternatives can be used to reach an informed decision, the table below shows the factor rating method used to select an appropriate site. Based on the scoring for factors considered important for the site, site A will be the best choice. Factor rating method for two sites |Key success factor |Weight |Site |Site | | | |A |B | |Proximity to suppliers |0.3 |60 |50 | |Proximity to customers |0.3 |65 |70 | |Labour pool |0.2 |45 |52 | |Climate |0.05 |60 |45 | |Wage rates |0.05 |73 |66 | |Community factors |0.1 |50 |30 | |TOTAL | |58.2 |54.9 | The optimum choice will have to be a balance of supply side and demand site factors that are considered important by the organisation for it to maximise its profits. The centre-of gravity method, locational break-even analysis which is a cost-volume analysis to make economic comparison of location alternatives and transportation model can also be used to assist in the choice of location (Heizer and Render, 2011). The company will be located in South Africa and within the Eastern Cape and the above analysis will assist with choosing the specific site. 8. Supply chain design According to Heizer and Render (2011) competition is no longer between companies but with supply chains. A range of suppliers will be interacted with in the manufacturing and marketing of the product and therefore an integrated approach to supply chain management must be used. Supply chain is determining factor of the product’s product costs, quality, responsiveness and differentiation. A number of supply chain strategies can be used like many or few suppliers, joint ventures, vertical integration, virtual companies amongst others. The company must should strategies that will support its objectives, provide competitive advantage and ensure satisfaction of its customers. 9. Quality management In order to offer quality products to the customers thereby improve revenues and reduce costs, the organization will ensure that quality is managed and continuous improvement efforts are implemented. A variety of techniques can be used to ensure quality is managed, this will start with ensuring that suppliers provide products that meet required standard e.g. cement should comply with SABS EN 197-1 . This will be the norm for other products as well in order minimise the risk of a poor end product. The ISO 9000 process certification, inspections and statistical process control will be implemented. The Operators and Quality Assurers will have to be trained on quality standards and methods for checking. The company like other companies will adopt the both the lean and six sigma process improvement approaches as  these have proved to assist most organizations. Quality control Quality control is defined as the stabilisation and maintenance of a process to produce consistent output (Schroeder, et al, 2013, p210). Throughout the processes critical control points will be defined to control and improve the processes. Control measures will be implemented to:- o Monitor changes in materials so that timely changes can be implemented in manufacture. The control measure will be regularly monitoring of changes in grading and moisture content of aggregates, monitoring mix consistence and measuring wet density of blocks. The causes for a change in density will be investigated in order to ensure correction of the root cause. o Routinely monitor the quality of the product for compliance with the specification. The more routine quality and compliance tests will be the checking on dimensions of blocks, testing strength of blocks and carrying out abrasion tests at an appropriate age. 10. Conclusion The company will achieve its business strategy and maximise profits if it has a clear and well defined operations strategy that is aligned to the business strategy. The use of cross-functional teams and supply chain strategy will assist it to gain competitive advantage and continuous improvement. The product design, process design, layout and supply chain should also support the operations of the company and lead to maximisation of profits. Quality must be managed throughout the processes and risks should be mitigated as the environment internally and externally is rapidly changing and technological advancement results in introduction of new products. 11. References Heizer, J. and Render, B., 2011. Operations Management. 10th Ed. London: Prentice Hall. Schoeder, R.G., Goldstein, S., and Rungtusanatham, M.J., Operations Management in Supply Chain. 2013. 6th Ed. New York: MacGraw-Hill. Slack, N., Chambers, S., Harland, C., Harrison, A., and Johnston, R., 1998. Operations Management. 2nd Ed. London: Pitman Publishing. Samples of products to be manufactured [pic][pic] START BATCHING MIXING MOULDING COMPACTION CURING PACKAGING CEO Marketing and Sales Specialist Human Resource and Administration Specialist Financial Specialist Operations Specialist Engineering Specialist Sales representatives x 2 Engineering Technician Supervisors x 2 Packers/ Loaders x 4 Quality Assurers x 3 ICT Technician Machine Operators x 4 Maintenance x 2 Drivers x 2 Packagingg Curing Compaction Moulding Mixing Batching Storage Order Packaging Curing Compactionnnn Mixing Moulding Batching STORAGE Administrator

Monday, October 14, 2019

Grant Wood And American Gothic Film Analysis

Grant Wood And American Gothic Film Analysis Grant Wood is easily one of Americas most famous artists due to his iconic 1930 work American Gothic. Even today, while some people may not always remember Grant Woods name or even the title of the image, they most certainly always recognize American Gothic when they see it. This one painting is known worldwide as kind of an iconic show of American character, all represented by a farmer and his daughter in front of their carpenter gothic styled home. The painting itself may at first glance appear to have only the simple meaning of representing the small town folk of Iowa, but looking closer the meaning could be something deeper. Grant Wood was born on February 13, 1991 in Anamosa, Iowa. After his fathers death in 1901, Grant and his family moved to Cedar Rapids where he took art lessons from local artists while he was in high school. He would then later teach school near Cedar Rapids while working a job at a silversmith shop in Chicago. Grant also served in World War I. He would make clay models of their field guns and also helped camouflage artillery pieces. After the war he would come back to Europe in 1923 where he spent 14 months in Paris studying art. During his stay in Europe his paintings had an impressionistic style to them. When he came home to America, his paintings began to sell and he was able to quit teaching and focus on his art. Its sometime during this time that Grant began promoting regionalism in his art. Regionalism is a realist modern American art movement wherein artists shunned the city and rapidly developing technological advances to focus on scenes of rural life. His work began to har k back onto his early life on the farm before his father died. Grants paintings began featuring farmlands, townscapes, and people around where he lived. Then, while driving to Eldon, Iowa, Grant came upon a white frame home that inspired his famous painting American Gothic. Grant had his sister and their local dentist pose in front of the house, and painted them with a very detailed style during which a time most artists in America were painting in abstraction. The painting itself only took about three months for Grant to paint and it was an immediate success. American Gothic was the painting that got Grant Wood recognized as a respectable artist, because he was all but ignored before this work. None of Grants other works were ever as successful. He soon then entered the painting into the Art Institute of Chicago for a competition, and the painting was awarded the Norman Wait Harris bronze medal and then purchased by the institute for $300. This was Grants first major art sell and his first prize for any work he had done, and in 1931 American Gothic was exhibited in London and was met with equal success. The painting was soon being reproduced in newspapers, but received backlash when it was printed in the Cedar Rapids Gazette. Iowans who were reading the paper were outraged that they were being depicted as pinched, grim-faced, puritanical Bible-thumpers There was a large amount of negative response from many women in Iowa who were angry about the way Grant depicted the farmers daughter. These women considered the depiction mean and unflatt ering. Grant defended himself, saying that his intention was never to poke fun at anyone, and that the image is really just his own personal depiction of Americans. People who had positive reactions towards American Gothic assumed the painting was more of a satire of the simple life people lived in small rural towns, which was once not thought worthy of high art. American Gothic did make Grant a recognizable artist, but with recognition came harsh criticism. He was accused of creating mass appeal art, and that its viewers could easily understand the content of the paintings. Grant Woods workà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦contributes nothing scientically, emotionally, or esthetically to art or society. It is the culmination of a trend of escapist and isolationist thought which was popular with some groups of yesterday, but which is definitely obsolete today. Its true, his rise of popularity was fast, but after his death in 1942 his fall of popularity was just as equally quick. During the 50s people felt like Woods art was too populist, and that it was always popular among the simple people. What exactly is American Gothic really trying to say? Grant painted the image in 1930, the same year as the start of the Great Depression. Its because the work was created at such dark times in American history that people relate it to the population in the 1930s. In a country mired in economic depression, Woods stoic couple embodied the bedrock values of the nation and the resolve needed to survive the crisis. People could relate to the image, the man standing firmly with his pitchfork, defending his home. Something many people were doing during the 1930s, just trying to defend and keep what is theres. However after a couple of years American Gothics success had dropped and was out of the public eye for about a decade. The image was still a symbol of strength for Americans during crisis during that time. In 1957, for the production Music Man, Meredith Wilson had his actors pose in the same way as Grants figures in American Gothic. Soon after that a cartoonist, Charles Addams, featur ed the figures of American Gothic in one of his New Yorker cartoons. By this time the image became somewhat of a universal image of just plain folk of America. When the civil rights began, the image then took another turn for interpretation. Now, its no longer just or plain folk, the people of the image became symbols for something more. To some people they had become symbols of right-wing and even racist America. The meaning behind the painting seems to always change for different generations depending on the situations the generations are facing, because people always tend to relate works of art to their current situations. Even though the meaning does change, American Gothic is still one of Americas most well known, as well as most parodied, work of art. Honestly the image itself could be interpreted in many different directions because Grant himself took on many different contemporary social issues that are still being debated today. The very title suggests Americas long-standing ambivalent relationship with Europe. The Iowa subject matter pushes to the surface the tension and the mutual lock of understanding that exists between urban and rural America during the Great Depression and that persists today. The image also raises the specter of political partisanship and variant social values. Today American Gothic doesnt necessarily speak of the Midwest, or even of Iowa, and its most likely that people of today dont even realize where the painting is set. But when people look at American Gothic, some just cannot help but smile. This could be why the image is parodied and referenced in so many various ways. American Gothic is indeed one of the most popular pieces of art to ever be parodied so many times. The parodies of the image have all kinds of different purposes. Some might address a specific opinion or viewpoint, and others are just made for nothing more than comedy effect and fun. The first American Gothic parody was most likely the production Music Man, when the characters pose exactly like the man and his daughter in front of their home. The painting made its way onto a General Country Corn Flakes cereal box in the early 60s. The image made its way into an episode of The Dick Van Dyke Show, where an actual parody of the picture is a part of the episodes plot. The producers used American Gothic because they needed a painting that would be instantly recognizable to an American sitcom audience. It was also used in a promotion add for the Beverly Hillbillies for the cover of the Saturday Evening Post, that featured the characters of the show in the same iconic poses as the painting. Many of the decades parodies represented a joking type of attitude toward convections, traditions, authorities, and icons. Some even ridiculed the images and written works they parodied. American Gothic seemed to be more used as a weapon than as a target in its parodies. Almost all of American Gothic parodies-from presidents and first ladies to Mickey and Minnie Mouseà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦operate with the same basic conceit. They manipulate the details of the original, usually the faces, often the clothingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦either to signify the difference between the then of the painting and the now of the parody or to collapse those difference. When it comes to parodies, it really goes back to how people were and still are interpreting the meaning behind American Gothic. The painting is an icon of the American People, and many people have their own interpretations, but the real meaning may always remain unanswered. Grant Wood was an artist who connected with the simple folk of Midwest America in his lifetime through his regionalistic styled art. His image American Gothic is most known for being a symbolic work for the 1930s for being a portrayal of the American pioneer spirit. The image remains a popular iconic image, keeping people interested in its deeper meaning with people creating parodies by relating the work to current events.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

My Life Essay -- Personal narrative, descriptive Essays

Road trips make for great writing, especially if you are driving alone. All you have is the road and your thoughts. Even the radio is turned off eventually, as silence takes precedent. This was my experience a few weeks ago, driving home from a pseudo-family reunion. My first thoughts were basic; what I had to do the following week, how great it had been to see all my friends, and how good Jordan had looked that weekend. Yet, as my drive progressed, my thoughts began to wander. I began thinking about my life; what I had already accomplished and what was still waiting for me. I realized that there are so many things that I want to do before I die. I quickly sorted through them in my mind and this is what I discovered. I want to visit the 7 Wonders of the World; walking along the banks of Victoria Falls and standing beneath the shadow of the Sphinx. These are some of the most amazing structures in the world, and I need to experience them for myself, instead of through books and photographs. I want to use my time to help others. There is an amazing organization called Sa...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Jahari Window Essay

The Johari Window, named after the first names of its inventors, Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham, is one of the most useful models describing the process of human interaction. A four paned â€Å"window† divides personal awareness into four different types, as represented by its four quadrants: open, hidden, blind, and unknown. The lines dividing the four panes are like window shades, which can move as an interaction progresses (Daft, 2011 pg. 273-276). The Johari Window concept would be particularly helpful for leaders to promote understanding employee/employer relationships and is a simple and useful tool for illustrating and improving self-awareness, and mutual understanding between individuals within a group. The Johari Window actually represents information such as feelings, experience, views, attitudes, skills, intentions, motivation, etc, within or about a person, in relation to their group, from four perspectives (Daft, 2011, pg. 275). The Johari Window model can also be used to represent the same information for a group in relation to other groups. Johari Window terminology refers to ‘self’ and ‘others’: ‘self’ means oneself, ie, the person subject to the Johari Window analysis. ‘Others’ means other people in the person’s group or team (Dart, 2011, pg. 275). The Johari window, essentially being a model for communication, can also reveal difficulties in this area. In Johari terms, two people attempt to communicate via the open quadrants. On the simplest level, difficulties may arise due to a lack of clarity in the interaction, such as poor grammar or choice of words, unorganized thoughts, faulty logic etc. This induces the receiver to criticize you, the sender, by revealing something that was in your blind quadrant. Then, if the feedback works, you correct it immediately, or perhaps on a more long term approach take a course in reading and writing. On a deeper level, you may be in a group meeting, and while you secretly sympathize with the minority viewpoint, you voted with the majority. However, blind to you, you actually may be communicating this information via body language, in conflict with your verbal message. On an even deeper level, you in an interaction with others, may always put on a smiling, happy face, hiding all negative feelings. By withholding negative feelings, you may be signaling to your friends to withhold also, and keep their distance. Thus, your communication style may seem bland or distant (Chapman, 2010).

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Macbeth by William Shakespeare Essay

In the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare, ambition, strength, and insanity play major roles in how the characters Macbeth and Lady Macbeth behave and react. In this twisted story about man slaughter and the thirst for power both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth represent all 3 of these behaviors at some point. However, their behaviors progress in very different ways. Throughout the play, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth gradually evolve into each other bringing out opposite personality traits from their previous opinions. It is well known that simply wanting something is not enough to actually get it. One must have the desire, the ambition and must work towards obtaining a certain goal. In the beginning of the play Macbeth has the desire to become king, but lacks the motivation and ambition to work for it. He doesn’t have the violent drive that Lady Macbeth possesses and is frankly just a moral man with moral values. He acquires the ability to see right from wrong and shows that he has a very strong conscience when he says, â€Å"I am Thane of Cawdor. / If good, why do I yield to that suggestion/[thought of killing Duncan] whose horrid image doth unfix my hair/ and make my seated heart knock at my ribs/ against the use of nature? â€Å"(1. 3. 146-150). Here Macbeth shows that the thought of killing Duncan makes him uneasy, nervous and frightened. Already his senses are warning him that what he is thinking is wrong, but unfortunately enough for Macbeth he is mentally weak and easily convinced. Lady Macbeth on the other hand has all the strength, ambition, motivation and desire to become royalty. She knows her husband well and knows that he will not take action against Duncan, so she decides to take matters into her own hands. Lady Macbeth calls upon the forces of evil to â€Å"unsex [her] here, / and fill [her] from the crown to the toe top- full/ of direst cruelty. Make thick [her] blood, / stop the passage to remorse† (1. 5. 48-51). In this speech there is no perplexity that Lady Macbeth is clearly willing to do whatever necessary to take hold of the throne. Her strength of purpose is contrasted with her husband’s tendency to waver and it will be her ambition and strength that questions his manhood, which will drive him forward to a life of misery and violence. Macbeth is a mentally weak character that undergoes a drastic mental change after committing cold blooded murder. He is progressively becoming more evil as his inhuman deeds allow his evil nature to take control of his thoughts and actions. Macbeth becomes paranoid about losing power and obsessed with proving his manhood. He associates manhood with fighting and bloodshed when he says, â€Å"What man dare, I dare. / Approach thou like the rugged Russian bear,/ The armed rhinoceros, or th’ Nyrean tiger,/Take any shape but that, and my firm nerves/ Shall never tremble. † (3. 4. 121-125) Just as Lady Macbeth was, Macbeth becomes a manipulative mastermind who is so power thirsty and driven by violence that he would kill anyone, even his best friend, to get what he wants. As Macbeth’s mind relocates to a state of paranoia and violence, Lady Macbeth’s conscience slowly starts to eat her away forcing her to resort to a life of misery, insanity, and eventually death. Her guilt is so strong that she is haunted in her sleep by the image of blood. Lady Macbeth could not rest peacefully without trying to wash all the blood off of her hands, â€Å"Out, damned spot; out, I say†(5. 1. 30) she would mutter as she wandered around the castle carrying a candlestick for light and rubbing her hands together trying to rub off all of the guilt. Shakespeare makes a valid point in this play that the future of your life does not depend on someone else, but is in entirely your hands. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth could have avoided their own misery and downfall if only they did things differently. Don’t get too caught up in yourself but be patient and be grateful for what you have because a lot of people would love to be in your position than their own. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth gradually become different people, one for the better and one for the worse.

Be Able to Support Individuals to Use the Toilet

3. Be able to support individuals to use the toilet 3. 1 Provide support for the individual to use toilet facilities in ways that respect dignity 1. Offer the individual a help. 2. If the individual is not able to transfer by itself help him/her to transfer however encourage using their own strength as much as he/she is able in order to promote their independency. 3. When the individual is sitting on the toilet cover his/her private area with for example towel to respect their dignity. 4.Ask if they the individual needs some privacy, if it is save to live the individual by him/herself on the toilet inform that you are going to wait outside the toilet and when finish he/she can call you. In the situation when it is not safe to live the individual on the toilet, you can respect their privacy by turning around. 5. Do not make any comments which would make them feel uncomfortable. 3. 2 Support individual to make themselves clean and tidy after using toilet facilities Most of the service users at my work place require full support after using a toilet. However, we remained them to wash their hand after using the toilet.Those service users who are not able to wash their hands by themselves are supported by staff members. The service users who do not need a support with using the toilet are remanded to use it and to remember to wash their hands. 6. Be able to monitor and report on support for personal care 6. 1 Seek feedback from the individual and others on how well support for personal care meets the individual’s needs and preferences 1. Read Care Plans. 2. Ask the individual if the currently used methods meet their preferences. 3. Ask the individual if they would like to make any changes which would make their personal care more convenient, comfortable or njoyable. 4. Discuss with staff members how they can improve the support of the individual in order to meet their needs and preferences. 5. Upgrade Care Plans on the regular basis. 2. 2 Be able to contribut e to establishing the nature of specific communication needs of individuals and ways to address them Establishing the nature of specific communication: 1. Talk to family members to find the way how the individual used to communicate with them. 2. If the individual hasn’t got any family members read the care plan if any exists. 3. Observe the individual. 4. If the individual is verbal just talk to them.The ways to address: 1. Talk to them. 2. Give them choice. 3. Ask them showing the pictures. 4. Learn non verbal language (makaton) 5. Communication passport (for example a picture of service user when is happy, angry or sad). 6. Showing the trust by seeking the contact with support members (for example grabbing the hand, not ignoring when being asked). 2. 3 Explain how and when to access information and support about identifying and addressing specific communication needs When: 1. When the individual is new at the house. 2. When the individuals condition is getting worse How: 1 .Care Plan 2. Communication Passport 3. Family 4. Speech and Language Therapist 5. Basic information tables placed in each room 6. Know how to support the use of communication technology and aids 3. Explain the importance of ensuring that communication equipment is correctly set up and working properly This is important because it is necessary to know how to communicate with service users in order to meet their needs. It prevents unnecessary misunderstanding and follows it anxiety and irritation of service users. As such it decreases the possibility of provoking a challenging behaviour.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Different facets of the Macro Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Different facets of the Macro Economy - Essay Example There was a development of model of trader risk that insinuated that decisions on investments are done with reference to market noise, and these decisions are not rational and hence unpredictable from the simple fact that they are affected by the sentiments of an investor. This makes the idiot traders a threat in markets of finance. Secondly, noise existence provides opportunists with information that enables them to exploit and take advantage of the situation in the market. These opportunists may engage in strategies of stealth trading where these investors extend their trade with time. Lastly, the irrationality by the noisy traders may lead to movement of assets’ prices from their basic values hence making the market to destabilize. Contrary to that, investors who are rational would act in a manner opposing a noisy trader hence stabilizes the market equilibrium. There is a prediction that institutional investors fail in encountering activities that are irrational by the nois y traders. The examination of the essential effects of the noisy traders on ADR market is as explained. ADR return falls or increases if the investors are not rationally pessimistic or optimistic. In the period of low noise, ADRs that are owned by high institutions exhibit autocorrelation that is same to ADRs being owned by low institutions. Nevertheless, in periods of high noise, ADRs that are owned by high institutions exhibit autocorrelation that is higher compared to the ones owned by low institutions. This creates an implication that there must have been an engagement in stealth trading by investors for exploitation of an irrational market. Via a regression of Granger causality, there is evidence of ADR portfolio returns with high institutions ownership which confirms that these traders make a reflection of the market information which is in the long run converted to securities. Finally, investors of an institution aid in the reduction of ADR returns of Europe. Though, for othe r continents ADRs, the stabilizing magnitude of positions of arbitrage that is taken by investors of an institution is not significant (De Long et al. 1990) Question two Consider a model with both noisy traders and rational arbitragers. Suppose there are no limits of arbitrage. Then arise in investment sentiments among the noisy traders: a) Shifts the asset demand curve of the noisy traders N b) May lead to increased short sales Y c) Has no effect on the equilibrium asset price N d) Affects the distribution of assets holding between the two groups of investors Y e) Affect the total gross supply of the assets in the market Y Discussion In case of existence of the noisy trader and an arbitrager in a market, given that there are no limits of arbitrage and a situation of arising of sentiments, a) there would not be shifts in the demand curve of the noisy traders. The explanation for this is straightforward because given an irrational trader who takes risk which give rise to investment s entiment; the prices of assets are mainly affected. In economics, the price of commodities affects demand in that the increase or decrease in prices leads to a movement of the curve and not a shift. Therefore, the statement of demand shifting is wrong as the main factor influencing demand of asset in this case is the price. b) The action may lead to increased short sales in that, in any case the noisy trader tries to sell the assets at prices that are lower than the market’

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Marketing plan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Marketing plan - Research Paper Example As can be seen, restaurant is a place which provides services that satisfy people’s hunger and thirst. By starting such a business, I would be able to deliver good quality food products to my customers. My crew and I planned to locate our restaurant in New Jersey, United States of America. New Jersey has a lot of scope for starting hotel business, because there are many people working in New Jersey in different industries like printing and publishing, pharmaceutical industry, financial industry, telecommunication sector etc. Men and women work alike and even students are involved in the work as part time jobbers. Majority of people eat outside their homes, like in restaurants and hotels due to their work and as they do not have time to cook and eat. We could find a number of colleges, industries, companies etc in New Jersey. So we take this as an opportunity for us to start a new restaurant in Jersey City, Hudson County. The reason for choosing this place is its abundant popul ation and the fact that this place has a good infrastructure as well as is diverse in ethnics. Asians, African-Americans, Italians, Latinos etc are the different ethnic groups in Jersey City.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Name of the restaurant would be â€Å"Tasty World,† that indicates tasty foods from different parts of the world. We would be providing Chinese, South Indian, North Indian, Italian, Spanish dishes, because these cuisines are popular and very tasty. That would be our USP for the company. We are sure that we can make good profit out of it, though it is very a risky step for an initial business group like us. Our vision is to spread our business network to more places and to satisfy our customers’  needs and requirements by making this restaurant among the most reputed organizations. Our mission is to provide great service and good quality, variety of food to our customers. At the initial stage of commencing, I myself would be the Managing Director and in fu ture, if needed, partners would be included. Our company has personal values that are to be considered in order to get maximum satisfaction from all the customers and to provide good quality food at reasonable prices. II. A. The external environment is a little bit complicated because there are many other restaurants operating in this place. So it would not be so easy for us to run this organization in profit at the initial stage. But we have strategies to counter attack that situation. At present, the global economies are in a crisis and are facing more challenges, but for us it would be the perfect time to start our business in Jersey City. As I mentioned earlier, there are many students as well as employed people in this place, so the marketing demography for our business would particularly be college students, youth and working people. ‘Tasty World’ has entered a matured market, which is highly competitive. There are many other restaurants in the city of Jersey but Tasty World offers 100 types of Spanish, Indian, Italian and Chinese cuisines. Majority of the people living in that place go to restaurants at least once a week and more than 10000 individuals pass that way (where restaurant is proposed). Our workforce would consist of highly experienced people who possess great skills in preparing delicious food. We also plan to serve the dishes at the tables in the fastest time possible. STP of our company would be: Market Segmentation- Potential customers can be segmented into students, working professionals

Monday, October 7, 2019

Marketing International Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Marketing International Business - Essay Example often through relaxed postures with precision of a point which plays an important role in showing that the parties are familiar to what the topic is (A, 2003, 1017). Statuses in power for interacting persons are also critical in dealings as the country exhibits high levels of hierarchy. This therefore justifies the need for any investor intending to advance operations within any area to be well conversed with the cultural dimensions at play within the market. This paper therefore takes a critical analysis of the cultural aspects at play with the Vietnamese people along the lines of individualism and collectivism, masculinity and femininity, power distance, and uncertainty avoidance (Blodgett, Bakir & Rose, 2008, 339-349; Migliore, 2011, 38-54). Societies across the globe hold different perceptions on individual equality and how power would be equally or unequally distributed among the people. The Vietnam people score relatively higher in acknowledging that there are variations in power proximity between the less powerful low class persons and the powerful high class citizens. According to Hofstede’s ranking, the Vietnamese natives score 70% in accepting that people hold different positions and that everyone has a distinct position within the society which may require no justification at all. There is also a lot in centralization within the country, a fact that explains the high managerial power that the seniors hold over the subordinates (Berrell, Wright & Tran, 1999, 578-582). The subordinates therefore have to wait for orders on what to do from their bosses hence they portray low levels of self drive. This has an adverse effect on the leadership problems as the structure fails to acknowledge any role that the subo rdinates would play in correcting the leaders whenever on the wrong (Clinton, 1998, 180-183; Hoang, 2008,  1-26). This implies that the UK based organization must appreciate that while working with Vietnam people, well-structured systems of power