Thursday, November 28, 2019

Differences Between the Antifederalists and Federalists Essay Example

Differences Between the Antifederalists and Federalists Paper The Articles of Confederation stirred up many problems between the states. The antifederalists, or people who opposed a strong federal government, came into quarrel with the federalists, who favored a strong federal government. The federalists differ from the anti-federalists in terms of social, economic, and political expression. Many differences arose between the federalists and the antifederalists concerning social issues. First of all, the antifederalists were from the poorer classes, while the federalists were from higher, more aristocratic classes. Antifederalists mainly consisted of uneducated people who made up the working class. Federalists, however, were aristocratic people who were cultured and well educated. Also, many popular figures were in conflict with one another, due to their antifederalist or federalist beliefs. Patrick Henry, a famous patriot and lawyer, provided support for the antifederalists. Being from Virginia, the largest and most populous of the states, Pa trick Henry was a powerful figure. On the other hand, George Washington, James Madison, and John Marshall were all in support of the federalist side. James Madison, along with John Jay and Alexander Hamilton, wrote The Federalist, a group of propaganda essays written for the New York newspapers. Besides social differences, economic differences also widened the gap between the antifederalists and the federalists. The poor antifederalists were in conflict with the rich federalists. Antifederalists, for instance, consisted of people who were in debt. The debtors feared a strong central government would make they pay off their debts. Also, antifederalists also did not want the states to establish laws regarding tariffs and navigation. Antifederalists were poor; therefore, they created worthless money to pay off their debts. On the other hand, the federalists were wealthy people who were of noble birth. They immensely disagreed with the antifederalist act

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Abraham Lincolns Historical Thanksgiving Proclamation

Abraham Lincoln's Historical Thanksgiving Proclamation Thanksgiving did not become a national holiday in the United States until the fall of 1863  when President Abraham Lincoln issued a proclamation declaring that the last Thursday in November would be a day of national thanksgiving. While Lincoln issued the proclamation, credit for making Thanksgiving a national holiday should go to Sarah Josepha  Hale, the editor of Godeys Ladys Book, a popular magazine for women in 19th century America. Hales Campaign for Thanksgiving Hale, who campaigned for years to make Thanksgiving a nationally observed holiday, wrote to Lincoln on September 28, 1863, and urged him to issue a proclamation. Hale mentioned in her letter that having such a national day of Thanksgiving would establish a great Union Festival of America. With the United States in the depths of the Civil War, perhaps Lincoln was attracted to the idea of a holiday unifying the nation. At that time Lincoln was also contemplating delivering an address on the purpose of the war which would become the Gettysburg Address. Lincoln wrote a proclamation, which was issued on October 3, 1863. The New York Times published a copy of the proclamation two days later. The idea seemed to catch on, and the northern states celebrated Thanksgiving on the date noted in Lincolns proclamation, the last Thursday in November, which fell on November 26, 1863. Lincolns Thanksgiving Proclamation The text of Lincolns 1863 Thanksgiving proclamation follows: October 3, 1863By the President of the United StatesA ProclamationThe year that is drawing toward its close has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added, which are of so extraordinary a nature that they cannot fail to penetrate and soften the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever-watchful providence of Almighty God.In the midst of a civil war of unequaled magnitude and severity, which has sometimes seemed to foreign states to invite and provoke their aggressions, peace has been preserved with all nations, order has been maintained, the laws have been respected and obeyed, and harmony has prevailed everywhere, except in the theater of military conflict; while that theater has been greatly contracted by the advancing armies and navies of the Union.Needful diversions of wealth and of strength from the fields of pe aceful industry to the national defense have not arrested the plow, the shuttle, or the ship; the ax has enlarged the borders of our settlements, and the mines, as well of iron and coal as of the precious metals, have yielded even more abundantly than heretofore. Population has steadily increased, notwithstanding the waste that has been made in the camp, the siege, and the battlefield, and the country, rejoicing in the consciousness of augmented strength and vigor, is permitted to expect continuance of years with large increase of freedom.No human counsel hath devised, nor hath any mortal hand worked out these great things. They are the gracious gifts of the Most High God, who while dealing with us in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless remembered mercy.It has seemed to me fit and proper that they should be solemnly, reverently, and gratefully acknowledged as with one heart and one voice by the whole American people. I do, therefore, invite my fellow-citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next as a Day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the heavens. And I recommend to them that, while offering up the ascriptions justly due to Him for such singular deliverances and blessings, they do also, with humble penitence for our national perverseness and disobedience, commend to His tender care all those who have become widows, orphans, mourners, or sufferers in the lamentable civil strife in which we are unavoidably engaged, and fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty hand to heal the wounds of the nation, and to restore it, as soon as may be consistent with the Divine purposes, to the full enjoyment of peace, harmony, tranquility, and union.In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United Stated States to be affixed.Done at the city of Washington, this third day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and of the Independence of the United States the eighty-eighth.Abraham Lincoln

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How modernism has changed architecture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

How modernism has changed architecture - Essay Example The word â€Å"modernism† is used as the synonym to the â€Å"modern architecture† or as the name of the style (in English literature- modern). The style is characterized by free and natural forms (Picture. 1). Modernism in architecture includes such branches as European functionalism of 1920-1930s, constructivism and rationalism of 1920s in Russia, the movement â€Å"Bauhaus† in Germany, the artdeco style, international style, brutalism, organic architecture. Thus, every of these phenomena is one of the branches of one tree that is called modernism in architecture. The main representatives of the modernism in architecture are the pioneers of the modern architecture: Frank Lloyd Wright, Walter Adolph Georg Gropius, Richard Joseph Neutra, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Le Corbusier; Hugo Alvar Henrik Aalto, Oscar Ribeiro de Almeida de Niemeyer Soares Filho (Crouch, 2000). Le Corbusier (Charles-Edouard Jeanneret-Gris, 1887-1965) is a French architect with Sweden origin, a pioneer of modernism, a representative of the international style of architecture, a painter and a designer. The great popularity of the work of Le Corbusier can be explained by his universal approach and social meaning of his propositions. It is impossible not to mention his contribution, which revealed free forms in architecture. He stated: â€Å"modern life demands, and is waiting for, a new kind of plan, both for the house and the city† (cited in Le Corbusier). Under the influence of his projects and the buildings he designed the perception of architects changed and they start using free forms in architecture more frequently. One of the buildings, which perfectly reflect his ideas, is Villa Savoye (Picture 2): â€Å"Villa Savoye is Purist to the extreme–a stark white floating box pierced by symmetrical horizontal window openings. The house is devoid of decoration a nd visual interest is created by the play of

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Postcolonial Cultural Identities of Individuals and Nations Essay

The Postcolonial Cultural Identities of Individuals and Nations - Essay Example Therefore it is possible to read E.M Forster’s novel A Passage to India, written many years before the Indian independence, as a text that represents both colonial and postcolonial sentiments. Derek Walcott’s long poem ‘The Schooner Flight’ deals with the complex cultural aspects of identity and nationalism in the colonial Caribbean islands. Edwards Said’s thoughtful analysis of the ways in which the West has constructed an orient that suits their colonial needs has left an indelible impression in the cultural discourses prevalent in the latter phase of the previous century. He exposed how the West conveniently constructed the misconceptions of cultural stereotypes for their benefit. Such cultural labeling and role-fixing had been a part of the dominant colonial discourses that misrepresented the history and culture of colonized nations. In his view, â€Å"the Orient was almost a European invention and had been since antiquity a place of romance, exotic beings, haunting memories and landscapes, remarkable experiences† (1). Chinua Achebe tries to deconstruct the popular notions of the false notions of innate inferiority and cultural dependence of once-colonized nations to the colonizers. His responses to the brash comments by the Western critics aimed at the emerging postcolonial literature are laden with a judicious blend of intelligent arguments and indigenous cultural sentiments. Contesting the accusation that writers like him have been imitating the Western forms of cultural discourses, he observes: The colonialist critic, unwilling to accept the validity of sensibilities other than his own, has made a particular point of dismissing the African novel.  

Monday, November 18, 2019

Ethics Worksheet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ethics Worksheet - Essay Example The wife is, obviously, lying for her husband and trying to protect him. Socially, she has not done any wrong in doing so, and since the police have not been able to convict the husband, they are bound by law and cannot carry out further investigation without due cause. The other issue at hand is the belief of the police officers that the husband was driving while intoxicated. They checked the hood of the car, which was warm, suggesting that it had been very recently used. They also observed the husband drop the car keys and put them in his pocket while he was walking up to the front door. After carrying out a check, they retrieved a set of car keys from his front pocket, but the husband denied driving and said he was out walking. The wife maintained she had not driven either. However, it was obvious that the husband was lying. The husband failed to pass the intoxication tests satisfactorily, and it was established that he was, indeed, intoxicated; his alcohol was on the scale of 0.2 0 on his breath. It is socially unethical, and legally unlawful, to drive intoxicated. However, since the officers did not observe him driving themselves, they are unable to take any action. Q3: 3A: Claimant 1: The husband. He is the person who would be convicted of two crimes, domestic violence, and intoxicated driving, if the crimes were to be proven. Therefore, he would prefer that the police do not find sufficient evidence to convict him. To that end, he has got his wife to lie for him as well. From the perspective of the moral agent, the obligation of justice is owed to the husband. All the preliminary evidence points towards him being guilty. He is on socially and legally unethical grounds, and to make it worse, he is lying about it. He should be dealt with justice, and convicted. 3B: Claimant 2: The wife. She has a minor role to play in the case. She was the victim of domestic violence, but now she denies it, and there are no visible signs of violence about her to convict the husband for that. She is also lying for her husband. For the sale of her husband, she would prefer the authorities not to find him guilty, and she would prefer the police not to find sufficient evidence to convict him. That is the reason for her lying. The obligation owed towards her is beneficence, and she should be dealt with it. If indeed she is the victim of violence, then she should be taken into protective custody and her problem solved. She should also be given the confidence that she can still live her life with her husband convicted, so that there is no need for her to lie to protect him. 3C: Claimant 3: The police officers. They have strong belief of the husband being guilty based on their observations, and they would prefer for the husband to be convicted of the crimes, because they believe he is lying about them. The experience of the older police officer also point towards this verdict. However, since they do not have sufficient proof, such as visible signs of domestic violence and the actual observation of the husband driving while intoxicated, they should deal him with the moral obligation of non-injury, since they can protect bringing unnecessary harm to the couple. Q4: Alternative 1: The police do not convict, based on insufficient evidence. Best case scenario, the husband does not repeat the mistake again. Worst case scenario,

Friday, November 15, 2019

Office Grapevine Causes and Effects

Office Grapevine Causes and Effects A RESEARCH PAPER ON  OFFICE GRAPEVINE: AN INEVITABLE ASPECT OF AN ORGANIZATION Abstract: To hear something through the grapevine is to learn of something informally and unofficially by means of gossip and rumor. It is defined as â€Å"The informal transmission of information, gossip, or rumor from person to person or usually unrevealed source of confidential information.† Grapevine or gossip is unavoidable in the corporate environment. As employees jostle to reach the priced top spot, jealousy, now coupled with social networking, sparks off gossip. Grapevine arises from social communications, so it can be as fickle, mischievous, and dynamic and varied as people. Left to itself, a grapevine can inflict as much damage as a raging fire. The prudent manager’s skill lies in utilizing the office grapevine in a positive way so as to benefit the company he works for. The present article throws light on the nature of office grapevine, its causes effects. It also tries to explain the greener side of the office grapevine that is it can be considered up to some extent as healthy one can utilize it for the betterment of the company. Key words: Office grapevine, rumor, gossiping, managerial communication Introduction: Grapevine communication originated at the moment humans learned how to speak.   Grapevine communication in the office is the unofficial way of communication where the information usually spreads through rumors or gossip. It is not a communication in the actual sense but on the contrary, is a barrier to communication. We can say that it is the very nature of human being to talk about others. People working in any organization share their feelings, grievances, emotions with their colleagues. Through this, they get social personal satisfaction; which in turn increases job satisfaction. Thus, it is the inevitable part of the office communication. In the words of Keith Davis, â€Å"Grapevine is basically a channel of horizontal communication, for its only people working at the same level of hierarchy who can informally communicate with one another with perfect ease. It means gossip, usually gossip that spreads and covers a lot of ground (a lot of people), much like vines do. Further, we can say that competition is the root cause for this grapevine sort of communica tion. And the present age is full of competition where everyone wants to prove he/she the best. But not all the persons adopt the genuine way of achieving their aims. Some people engage themselves in the unfair practices like they may spread baseless rumors about the persons they envy thus prove the major hindrance in other’s path of success. If the office grapevine takes such a negative turn, it is certainly detrimental for the very existence of that concern. Grapevine communication is the informal communication network within an organization. The grapevine is used to spread information bypassing the formal communication structure. Just like the grapevine plant: it spreads in random ways and it goes where it can. The grapevine is formed by the individuals and groups in an organization. The people in the groups have something in common that links them together. A person can belong to one or more groups. Companies should not ignore the grapevine, be indifferent to it or try it kill it. Leaders should proactively communicate and inject as much authentic information into the system as they can. Regular interactions with employees are the best way to understand gossip and politics, and one must be prepared for this. Research Objectives: The main objectives for this research are To know the causes effects of the office grapevine. To know the importance of office grapevine. To find out the ways to overcome the adverse effects of the office grapevine. Scope of the study: The scope of the present study is limited to the understanding of the concept of office grapevine, its importance, its causes effects to the remedies to wash away its negative impacts. However, there cannot be fixed solutions to eradicate office grapevine. It may differ from concern to concern. There may be various factors responsible for office grapevine to happen. Research Methodology: The present study is a genuine attempt to find out the ways for transforming the negative effects of the office grapevine into the positive ones. Data collection: The investigation conducted is through desk research and purely based on secondary data available on World Wide Web. Research Findings: Features: Very speedy type of communication. It has benefits and backfires as well. No channel of communication is there as in the case of formal communication. It is a mix of reality and rumor, about 80% information flows through grapevine. Importance: The grapevine is useful as a supplement to formal channels of communication. It often travels more quickly than other channels and is usually more direct. The grapevine is present within all levels of staff. It exists because of a natural desire to know things and brings a sense of belonging to employees and managerial staff alike. It can create corporate identity and build teamwork. Although the grapevine can wreak havoc with misinformation, it can also be beneficial. In most cases, grapevine information holds at least a kernel of truth. Information from upper management that flows through the grapevine to lower-level employees can allow them to see, and possibly relate to, the struggles that management is facing. When employees have a sense (even if it is not entirely accurate) of these challenges, they can rise up and make suggestions or work to improve a situation of which they might not otherwise have been aware. Also, if trouble is on the horizon (according to the grapevine), it can give employees a chance to make plans and temper their reactions when the news is formally communicated to them. Types of Grapevine: Within the organization communication chains exist. The chain used by formal communication may be very rigid, following the chain of command or authority. However, the chain used by the grapevine tends to be very flexible. Four different chains/structures appear to dominate the grapevine network according to Keith Davis are: The Single Strand Chain: This is a simple concept to follow, A tells B, who tells C, who tells D and so on. Each person passes the information on to the next person. The longer the strand the more distortion and filtering affects the information being passed until the last person in the chain may find the information unrecognizable from the original message. Most inaccuracies occur in this chain. The Gossip Chain: In this illustration A simply tells everyone with whom they come in contact. This pattern is considered to be somewhat slow in moving the information. The Probability Chain: In this case A makes random contact with say F and C and passes on the information. They in turn randomly contact others in accordance with laws of probability. Some hear the information and some dont. In this structure, there is no definite pattern of communication. Information is randomly passed along to anyone willing to listen. They type of person who communicates in this manner might be a very outgoing and talkative type of individual. The Cluster Chain: Here A tells contacts, B and F, who may work with A. They may tell two or three other persons with whom they usually have close contact. Most predominant pattern is the cluster pattern. Selectivity is the basis for this pattern. In any organization, individuals will generally feel more comfortable with some fellow employees than with others and therefore only relay information to those in their informal social groups. This flow pattern results in information missing some individuals completely. Advantages: It’s fast in spreading the information Both men and women actively participate in passing information It builds relationship between people. Disadvantages: Grapevine communication has the potential to spread unnecessary gossip. It’s dangerous to the health of an organization if allowed to grow without monitoring. May result in character assassination and personal vilification of individuals. May provoke sudden unwanted and unexpected reactions from emotionally unstable people. Grapevine channel can be moderated but not eliminated. Causes for grapevine communication to occur: The grapevine consists basically of rumors and gossip and travels from person to person during breaks, lunch and in after-work gatherings. It can bypass security because of its ability to cross over organizational lines. The grapevine functions best in situations where formal communication is poor, yet it is a natural part of human behavior. This information channel increases in times of stress or uncertainty, and from the lack of formal news coming directly from the upper management of the company. Effects: The grapevine allows feelings to be expressed instead of bottled up. People need to talk about what is affecting them, and the grapevine allows this kind of expression. Employees and staff can communicate important topics using their own language, instead of the technical jargon used in formal communication channels. If managers can tap into the grapevine, they can learn a substantial amount about the issues and problems of their employees. It is a solid indicator of health, morale and productivity in the company. Warning of the grapevine communication: A large percentage of communication that travels the grapevine is true; however, it is difficult for one to discern fact from fiction through the grapevine. Management must effectively monitor the grapevine and jump in to correct inaccuracies or falsehoods. The grapevine is unstable and unreliable; it can fuel anxiety, conflict and misunderstanding in small or large group situations. Recommendations: Since grapevine activity increases during times of uncertainty, management must provide information through formal system of communication about key issues events that affect employees. Management should supply employees with steady flow of accurate, timely information; so to minimize the potential damage caused by the grapevine. The grapevine can be controlled with prompt, clear accurate information on the issues important to the employees. Direct memos, large group announcements intercom systems should be used. A company can appoint expert persons in the HR Department to listen to the grievances of the employees on prompt basis before the rumor mill gets momentum. The top management should try to gather all the possible information or rather facts regarding the rumors. If there is an external rumor, it is generally left to journalists, reporters or media. At such situations, the company should prepare a formal response depending upon the situation. While implementing any new plan or system within the organization, the management may leak the information about it to the key communicators in the company. Through this, the upper body can get to know how a new idea will be received; whether it will be welcomed or rejected strongly. If the feedback is positive, the management can go with their plan for implementation but if it is negative, the plan can be rethought pinpointed the problem areas. Conclusion: Dealing effectively with the grapevine is a challenge that will always be a part of a manager’s job. Those who are able to understand the power of the grapevine will be better prepared to utilize it to provide stability credibility in the work environment. Thus, office grapevine is a part parcel of any organization. The only thing is the skill of a manager who utilizes this informal type of communication for achieving the organizational goals. References: [1.] Fell Tim, ‘The Grapevine’; Vide Arts Group (2000) [2.] The Research Paper ‘I heard it through the grapevine’ by Peter Cook. [3.] [4.] [5.] [6.] [7.] [8.]

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay --

Miner1 Shawna Pergeson Miss Miner English II 18 March 2014 Holocaust Experiments People all over the world go through a lot of hardship. Starvation, abuse, wars, bombing raids, genocide. People would suffer over the fallen economy. In Europe and even here in the United States, many people struggled to survive through the Holocaust Era. It’s weary out there. The people who had it the worse were the Polish, Russians, Gypsies, and especially the Holocaust victims; the Jewish Population. They were kicked out of their homes, shoved into cattle cars, killed, and made to work in a concentration camps and many other terrible things. The worst of all, they were experimented on. The following pages are going to tell you how the concentration camps were built, who ran the experiment camps. Also about the experiments and what the effects were. Shawna Pergeson Miner2 Miss Miner English II 18 March 2014 The medical experiments started in World War II. Buchenwald was one of the first camps built in the summer of 1937. The prisoners were made to carry very large rocks to build it during their â€Å"free time†. Prisoners were used for Virus Researches like Typhus and were infused with numerous types of pathogens to reveal the strengths of the vaccines. Usually killing the subjects, forced prisoners like the Jews and Gypsies were force to take part. The Buchenwald Camp was freed April 11, 1945. The day after that, President Franklin Roosevelt died. Soviets then used the camp as another concentration camp, not for civilians, but for their own enemies in Germany. The doctors during... ...ctors put in the tuberculosis bacteria in the prisoners at camp Neuengamme. Around two hundred adults died from this. They also cut off legs and shoulders from prisoners at Ravensbruck to attach them onto other subjects. This also included parts of bones, muscles, and nerves to analyze the healing process for the body parts. The result of the experiments were horrid pain, mutilation, disability, and death. Doctors of the Concentration Camps also experimented on birth effects. They meant to radiate and sterilize young men and study the changes in the reproduction organs. Women had substances unwillingly implanted their cervix or uterus which caused pain, bleeding, and spasms. Women were forced into artificial insemination. The subjects were told that they have monsters in their wombs and were cross bred from animals. This was probably the worse of the experiments.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Comparing “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” and “a Life of the Senses”

Throughout the course of history, technology has changed us. It gave us a way to communicate in long distances. It gave us a way to produce goods faster and more efficiently. And it gave us the convenience to acquire knowledge with just one click of a button. However, there are bad effects as there are good. Nicolas Carr’s â€Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid? † and Richard Louv’s â€Å"A Life of the Senses†, discusses the different effects of technology on people. Carr’s essay, â€Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid? discusses technology’s effect in our way of thinking, while Louv’s essay, â€Å"A Life of the Senses† discusses the change in our lifestyle and our senses. From the get go, Carr says that â€Å"†¦I’ve had an uncomfortable feeling that someone, or something, has been tinkering with my brain, remapping the neutral circuitry, reprogramming my memory† (1). Sure enough, it actually has been. Most of us probabl y have had this feeling; a feeling like something was off. It becomes more apparent when we try to read a long essay, or a novel.We sit around and read a few paragraphs or a few pages, but not for long we â€Å"†¦begin looking for something else to do† (1). We come to realize that we can’t concentrate, we feel impatient and we find ourselves staring at an LCD screen, or maybe an LED screen, doing what we usually do: nothing. When a question arises about that essay we were about to read, we push a few keys, click a few link and voila! Here is a whole page in which we will exercise more of our laziness. We then start to wonder what causes this.Surprisingly, one of our most important means of communication and source of information is causing this. The Net, is chipping away our capacity for concentration and contemplation (1). Louv refers to this in his essay as the â€Å"know-it-all state of mind† (667). We browse and browse and browse and we skim everything we see. We want to acquire information and we want it immediately. This want to acquire information as fast as we can load the page, becomes a habit and changes us into something like the very machine we use to get all of this information.We are turned into something like our favorite search engine. It can get you answers fast, but it doesn’t understand any of it. As Louv and Carr would say, we are skimming at the surface but we don’t penetrate vertically. (667, 1) It’s scary to know that the Net made us developed a habit that turns us into robots, but it’s much scarier when we find out that it’s actually changing the way we think. We seek maximum speed, maximum efficiency, and maximum output just likeTaylor’s system mentioned in Carr’s essay. This system was created to boost production in factories, and is still used even now. It did us a lot of good economically, but without even noticing, this system has wormed its way to our brain s and made it our philosophy, or, as Louv quoted from Daniel Yankelovich, our religion. This faith is taking over our minds. It’s making us stupid in terms of our depth of understanding, but it doesn’t end there. The Net or technology as a whole is changing the way we live.Long ago, before the inventions of portable gadgets, people used to look out the car window, people used to go out with friends and kids used to play outside and exercise their imaginations, but now technology has changed everything. Instead of looking out in the horizon people stare at their small radioactive devices, throwing birds that need counseling at pyramids of sticks and stones built by green mutated pigs. Instead, of going out with friends they try and fit all their thoughts and feeling into a box that can only contain one hundred forty letters.Instead of playing outside they stay inside watching television, tinkering with their gaming consoles, and or trying to win the title â€Å"heavies t kid on earth. † People are missing out on all of the good things the outside world can give us. Their missing out the kind of fun I felt when my siblings and I played â€Å"Whoever counts the most cow wins. † I miss those days, and sure enough we’re all going start looking for it. And when we do, businesses are going to be there to â€Å"provide† you with a quick and easy way to fulfill this need.Industries soon get profit from â€Å"concocted nature† even when we can get it for free. We fall for it anyways, because even if the â€Å"nature† we see is just a simulation our brain thinks that it’s fine. Synthetic or real, it doesn’t matter, and I suspect that the system embedded in our brains is the cause of this. When we start to feel that we want something, we automatically think that we want it now, and the closest thing that can give fulfill this need is our computer, or, if were up to it, the mall. It’s just a much f aster and more efficient way to fulfill the current task.On the other hand, when we start looking at artificial nature we start to lose our appreciation and understanding for actual nature. For example, before all of the images of the Grand Canyon people used to at it in awe. They would explore it, admire it and speculate how all of it came about, but now, we take a picture, post it in a social media site, caption it with half-hearted praises and since there’s nothing more to see or say we turn around and drive away. We saw it and now it’s time to leave, just like another webpage. The system digs even deeper.To obtain something, you must first lose something. In this case, to obtain information faster we must lose our traditional way of learning by experience. As Louv quotes Edward Reed, â€Å"We are beginning ‘to lose the ability to experience our world directly. What we have come to mean by the term experience is impoverished; what we have of experience in dai ly life is impoverished as well’† (670). We rely so much on the information we know from the Net that we think we can do anything, well, as long as we can search the instructions online, or we can watch how to, via online streaming.We become uninterested in actually doing something, since we already â€Å"know† how to. We are left in the dark on how something actually works, because we don’t really need more than knowing how to turn something on. As a result, the most important means of gathering information is now missing. However, just like Carr and Louv I think that some of us are focusing on the negatives too much. We have exponentially advanced in terms of production, distribution, processing information and a lot more.My grandmother survived cancer because of technology, and God, knows that the internet has helped me many times in homework’s and projects. It’s the primary tool for students after all, well that and the library. Neverthel ess, it’s definitely not all bad. There may be some possibilities that we are turning into robots, but there may also be more chances that we’re just changing into something better. One can develop a machine to process information and someday it may be able to fully understand it, but people are not machines.We can process information and we can understand them; it’s just that we developed a certain affinity of getting what we need first rather than understanding. I think of it a testing period for a prototype of the perfect machine, but this time it’s a prototype of a perfect way of thinking. We may find a way to get something fast and fully understand it in the future, but for now we are evolving. If you still think that we are turning into nothing more than computer, always remember that computers can never feel, and no matter what we humans do, we will always feel.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Anti-Smoking essays

Anti-Smoking essays For a long time now many people have different views about smoking in public places. Smokers feel it is their right to smoke where and when they want. On the other hand, non-smokers feel smokers violate their rights and endanger their life. Smoking causes heart disease, lung cancer and other serious illnesses. Cigarette smoking is the number one cause of lung cancer. A substantial number of lung cancers that occur in non-smokers can be attributed to involuntary smoking. There are some parts in the United States where you can smoke in public places; on the other hand in New York there are designated areas. While some people feel that smoking in public places should remain since it is their right, it seems quite clear that smoking in public places should be banned because second-hand smoke will endanger non-smokers health and it pollutes the environment. Smokers feel they have had the right to smoke in a public place for so long that it should not be taken away. Restaurants and businesses should be allowed to set their own smoking rules, based on demands of the customers. Also business may decrease if they do not allow smokers the right to smoke, especially in bars and restaurants. The work place is another problem for smokers, now they have to go outside even in the winter to have a cigarette, even though they used to be able to smoke inside. A strong supporter on smokers rights is Democratic Assemblyman Dick Floyd, who wanted to vote for a controversial smokers right bill. He feels it is not a smoking bill; it merely protects the people who use legal substances such as tobacco and alcohol in their homes from job discrimination. However, smoking in public places is a danger to non-smokers health for the reason of passive or second-hand smoke. The public does not realize the significant hazards of second-hand smoke. A U.S environmental protection agency stated that: second-hand smoke is the third major cause of lung cance...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Gun Control A Firing Issue misc essays

Gun Control A Firing Issue misc essays Gun control is undoubtedly an issue that most Americans have been exposed to. In 1989, guns killed 11,832 Americans. The National Rifle Association (NRA) members believe that it is their constitutional right to own guns, stating that guns are not the root of the crime problem in the United States. Gun control activists like the members of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) argue that guns are responsible for the majority of violent crimes that take place. They wish to instill many types of bans and waiting periods on firearms, making it nearly impossible to obtain a handgun. In fact, in 1993 the Brady Bill, which mandates a waiting period on buying firearms, was passed. Their arguments range from protecting children to saying that guns are diseases, but when one looks at the facts, though, the arguments of gun control advocates seem irrelevant and it becomes clear that guns should not be controlled. Gun ownership by private citizens is protected under the 2nd Amendment. It states that "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."" The forefathers of our country meant for the people to own and use firearms, and any law or control on that right would be unconstitutional. Gun control activists essentially believe the Second Amendment guarantees only to its militia the right of arms, but the "Gun control proponents have yet to identify even a single quote from one of the founders to support their claim" (Silver 78). The 2nd Amendment supports gun owners, and hard evidence that it does otherwise is nonexistent. Gun control advocates have been lobbying for 7 years for the passage of the Brady Bill, which makes a waiting period mandatory for all national firearm sales. Ironically, the passage of this bill in 1993 has done nothing to reduce crime; in fact violen...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Operative Management Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Operative Management - Term Paper Example Rigsby and Guy Greco, 2003) Sam Walton, the founder of Wal- Mart had a clear vision to establish Wal- Mart as the best retail store in the industry. The mission of Wal Mart was simple, easy to explain to those responsible for its achievement, and straightforward that left nothing to the imagination. The goal of the Sam was not the biggest retailer but the best retailer in the industry. Wal- Mart was equipped with certain basic values to attain its straightforward mission. These values are the ability to merchandise, creating innovative retailing ideas, best store operations, cost control, technologies, customer services, distribution, and establishing a culture as a retailer. The reason for such a phenomenal success as the best retailer in the word is to pursue the business with these pre-established values. Wal- Mart translated these values into its retail practices and achieved the best results. Wal- Mart executed its strategies by developing the skill of managers in areas of communication, motivating junior staff, team development through training, establishing standards for customer service, and fixing responsibility and accountability. Wal- Mart used one of the basic theories of management called ‘theory of motivation’. Theory of motivation seeks to persuade efforts from management to encourage employees. Sam Walton, the founder of Wal- Mart, used to visit his stores and meet employees at different levels of activities. He used to carry a tape recorder and treated it as his ‘tool of empowerment’. He used to tape his conversations with employees and later listened to those recordings for devising means to create motivation among his workforce. He was first in the industry to call his work as his ‘associate’. Addressing an employee as an ‘associate’ of the management is enough to instill in employees a sense of responsibility at par with ownership.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Role of ICT in Improving Patient Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Role of ICT in Improving Patient Care - Essay Example The World Health Organization highlights the primary objective for health information systems as; the need to collect, analyze and package date and impart the outcomes to others to aid in policy making. In one hand, this implies enhancing nurses access to lab results and diminishing hindrances between perceptions made by various medicinal services suppliers. On the other hand, policy making can be expanded through the execution of a healing center wide clinical choice emotionally supportive network that recovers packs of information and educates the fitting people at the proper time. A good example of such system is Electronic Health Records Ahima (2011) defines an Electronic Health Record (EHR) as a modern version of patient’s medical history, that is updated and maintained by clinicians over a given period of time. Liang (2010) further acknowledges that the contents of EHR are a lot and may encompass all important records on the administration and clinical data that are key to patient’s welfare. Such may include; patient’s progress notes, demographics, ailments, medications, laboratory data, medical history, radiology reports as well as immunization records. All these tons of information show why it is important for nurses to have a modern and integrated system that automates access to information. Some of the basic benefits of EHR include streamlining clinical workflow, quality management and many more as discussed in this paper.